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Identify your employees by the location of their headquarters

In an increasingly dynamic and decentralised business world, efficient workspace management has become a key priority for companies of all sizes. Hybo, the SaaS workspace management and booking solution, has upped the ante with an innovative new feature: the ability to assign specific locations to individual users. 


Hybo’s per-user location feature redefines the way companies manage their workspaces, especially those with operations spread across multiple locations, countries and buildings. With this new feature, Hybo allows organisations to assign each user to a specific location, providing a detailed view of where each employee is physically located.

Key benefits of user-based functionality

  1. Efficient management of multiple sites:
  • Centralised control: Hybo provides administrators with centralised control over the assignment of users to specific sites, simplifying management, simplifying management in multi-location enterprises.
  • Instant visibility: administrators can quickly access detailed information about each user’s location, country and building, facilitating informed decision making.
  1. Adaptability to organisational structure:
  • Global enterprises: for companies with a global presence, the per-user headquarters function in Hybo becomes an essential tool for coordinating operations in different parts of the world.
  • Allocation flexibility: the platform allows for flexible allocation, adapting to each company’s unique organisational structure. 
  1. Improved user experience:
  • Personalisation: users can enjoy a personalised experience by viewing relevant information about their location, promoting greater engagement and convenience.
  • Contextualised bookings: the per-user venue feature facilitates contextualised bookings, ensuring employees can easily find relevant workspaces in their location.
  1. Detailed reporting and analytics:
  • Utilisation tracking: Hybo provides detailed analytics on the utilisation of workspaces at each location, allowing companies to optimise the layout of their resources.
  • Location history: location history reports provide a retrospective view, useful for planning future expansions or adjustments to company structure.

Implementation and practical use

The implementation of the per-user site function in Hybo is straightforward and integrates seamlessly with the existing interface. Administrators can assign seats per user individually or in batches, as well as find out which seat a specific user is in. Changes administrators make are immediately reflected in the platform.


For end users, the experience remains intuitive. Additional location information is presented clearly in their profiles, and when booking, available spaces are automatically filtered by location. 


The addition of per-user venue functionality in Hybo marks a significant milestone in modern workspace management. It offers a powerful and flexible solution for companies with distributed operations, enabling more efficient management, improved user experience and more informed business decisions.


By embracing Hybo’s innovation, businesses can be at the forefront of workspace management, ready to meet the challenges of an ever-changing work environment. Per-user seat functionality is not only a technological enhancement, but also a key driver for productivity and efficiency in today’s business landscape.

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