Integrate with Hybo the BMS and BIM in your offices and buildings.

Optimize your workspace with Hybo by linking reservations to lights, climate control, and parking access. With Hybo, you can enjoy home automation that saves energy and costs.

Oficinas inteligentes

More than 10,000 companies trust Hybo every day


Empower your teams and optimize your office

With Hybo’s workspace reservation solution, your employees can easily and quickly book an available and preferred workspace in real time.

Our software helps increase office efficiency and enhances the user experience by allowing desk availability checks and optimizing workspace utilization-

Empodera a tus empleados con reservas de espacios


Management of hybrid workspaces and hot desking

The way of working has changed; physical spaces are oversized, and many employees who need to go to the office no longer do so to have a space to work but rather to socialize and exchange ideas with their colleagues.

With Hybo, your employees will only need to log into their online profile, select the available desk on the map, and specify the days and times to book it. Automatically, their spaces will be reserved and linked to their management tools.

Software de reservas de puestos de trabajo Hybo

Connected and secure workspaces.

Hybo integrates with the most implemented management tools, as well as third-party multi-sector tools and solutions, allowing for the centralization and simplification of processes.


Hybo, the flexible solution you can trust for Hot Desking

Avoid space shortages or unnecessary costs in large offices. With Hybo, you can manage and book your office workspaces to make them more efficient, with the goal of improving your team’s workspace.

Offer your employees Hybo’s desk booking system, an easy-to-use app that will help them find and book workspaces, integrating their bookings into their calendar or management tool.

Programa para reservas mesas de trabajo


Hybo, corporate spaces used efficiently

With Hybo’s analytical metrics, you can monitor the current and future occupancy of your offices to measure their performance. With Hybo, you’ll oversee the use of corporate spaces and plan them in advance.

Through the analysis provided by Hybo, you can make future decisions to adapt workspaces based on metrics, saving costs on unnecessary assets.

Sistema de reservas de puestos de trabajo Hybo

What do Hybo users say?

Optimize the management of your office spaces

Access to manage all the spaces in your company in an easy and collaborative way.

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