Set, assign or retrieve your employees’ pre-bookings from the administrator panel.

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ahora el administrador podrá realizar diferentes acciones para gestionar y reservar espacios de trabajo para los empleados que así se lo soliciten

At Hybo we have added new features to the administrator panel. From there, the administrator can now carry out different actions to manage and reserve workspaces for employees who request them.

This integration is available for the booking of workstations, car parks and meeting rooms.


Set parking space reservations:

Employees who recurrently make the same reservations: a parking space on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays of each week, for example; now they can have that reservation on those days each week and for the time that the administrator deems necessary. From the admin panel, the admin will be able to set that reservation, ensuring the employee that same parking space during those days each week.


Assign parking space reservations:

Following the previous example, if the employee is unable to attend the company on one of the reserved days, so that the reserved parking space is not left empty, the administrator can assign the reservation to another user. In this way, even if the user who owns the reservation cannot make use of it, another user who also needs it can take advantage of it.


Recover seat reservations:

Following the same example as before, if the employee will finally be able to make use of his reservation, but it has already been assigned to another user, the administrator can recover that reservation for the first user.

In short, these functions provide greater flexibility and adaptability in the management of workspaces and bookings. This can be particularly useful in a hybrid work environment where employees’ needs may vary and change over time. These features also appear to simplify communication and efficient use of resources in the workplace.

Advantages and benefits of these developments:

These new features available in the administrator panel have great advantages and benefits for both employees and administrators in charge of managing workspaces. Some of these key advantages and benefits:


• Increased efficiency and space utilisation: these features allow for a more efficient allocation of workspaces. By setting, assigning and retrieving reservations, it avoids wasting resources and ensures that spaces are being used effectively.


• Flexibility for employees: Employees can have recurring bookings to suit their changing schedules and needs. They can also give up and retrieve bookings based on their availability, giving them flexibility and convenience.


• Optimisation of resources: The ability to assign and retrieve bookings ensures that workspaces are being used even if the initially booked employee is unable to attend. This optimises space utilisation and reduces the possibility of spaces remaining empty.


• Improved employee experience: By offering employees the ability to book and manage spaces in a more seamless and adaptable way, the overall workplace experience is improved. Employees feel more supported and have greater control over their work environment.


• Less administrative burden: For administrators, these features automate and simplify many tasks related to booking and space management. This reduces the administrative burden and allows managers to focus on other responsibilities.


• Reduced conflicts and errors: By allowing managers to adjust reservations as needed, potential conflicts between employees and the likelihood of errors in space allocation are reduced.


• Improved communication and collaboration: The ability to release and retrieve reservations encourages collaboration between employees and allows for smoother communication about space availability.

• Long-term planning: The booking function allows for long-term planning, which can be especially useful for regular events or predictable needs.


Overall, these features contribute to a more efficient, flexible and pleasant working environment for both employees and managers. They facilitate adaptation to changing work dynamics and improve resource management in a hybrid and diverse work environment.

Hybo not only manages workspaces, but also offers new experiences for your employees.

Contact us and discover everything we can do for you.

Fixa, cedeix o recupera les prereserves dels teus empleats des del panell d'administrador de Hybo
Fija, cede o recupera las prerreservas de tus empleados desde el panel de administrador
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