Pos-Covid-19 meeting spaces

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Espacios de reuniones post Covid-19

Pos-Covid-19 meeting spaces

In all the meeting rooms of most companies in the world, a new element has appeared, a camera above the screen for presentations. And it is that this new object, which focuses on the table and chairs that preside over the room, has transformed our meetings during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In all the meeting rooms of the world there has been a real revolution, and it is surely the space that has been transformed most quickly to face the new business paradigm.

The truth is that many believed that this object, the videoconferencing camera, would end up disappearing after the pandemic, in the same way as disinfectant gel and visitor masks, but the reality is different, this element, which will be fixed and indispensable in the future, it has transformed the way we met.

The new normal has given way to the incursion of the digital age within companies, talking about video calls, documents in the cloud, shared documents, hybrid work or hot desking is no longer a thing of the future, it is day to day.

"During confinement, non-contact meetings grew more than 148%"

Apart from the factor of the pandemic, the concept of meeting took on another dimension; Talking with a co-worker was already considered a meeting according to our Outlook, Teams or Zoom, when before, that informal meeting was a hall conversation.

This new concept, the digital integration of internal processes, has transformed our way of living with technology and with our work environment.

This small camera located on the television in the meeting room or on our computer screen, has generated a revolution in internal and external communication of all the collaborators of our organization, affecting and transforming our way of meeting.

Post Covid-19 meeting spaces

The adaptation of meeting spaces is what has generated the most headache for company managers.

Before the pandemic, not all company employees held meetings daily, but today, most employees hold daily meetings, and the reasons are various: companies that implement telework days increased video calls between employees, meetings that Before they were carried out at the client’s home and now, they are carried out in videoconferences, etc.

This has meant that for many employees the physical space of the meeting rooms has disappeared, with their computer being the communication channel. For this, many companies have enabled shorter rooms or more distant desks, for proper communication between interlocutors.

Transformation of furniture in meeting rooms and desks is a reality. While previously meeting rooms were organized by attendees, now their connectivity is sought. All meeting rooms have been adapted to be able to make video calls, whether to clients, suppliers, or collaborators. In addition, employee desks have been equipped with more laptops, video calling cameras, headphones, and microphones, all to adapt to new communication needs.

Capacity and space management are the most affected during the pandemic, and all studies show that its durability will go much further. Currently, a meeting can have both physical and virtual attendees. It is no longer necessary to take the car and move, with a video call we can meet with people who are thousands of kilometers from our desk.

This new reality has transformed the management of corporate spaces, adapting to the workplace and common spaces, reducing their spaces, and focusing on the needs of the worker. Adapting spaces for video calls, video conferences or webinars.

This revolution has generated a large investment in digital tools for employees. Most of the employees have adapted their equipment to be able to make video calls and virtual meetings, in addition, companies have increased their cybersecurity and have integrated computer systems to be able to manage data in the cloud to share documentation between employees and clients.

With this storm of need for meetings and workspaces, without a doubt, implementing a unique corporate space management software has been the great solution for many companies.

Companies that have integrated their corporate space in the cloud using management software such as Hybo, have provided their employees with control over their workspace and time, allowing them to book meeting rooms and booking workspaces remotely and from their mobile or computer, leaving the booking saved in your calendar.

In addition, this application allows the booking and convening of virtual meetings, where attendees receive the meeting link on their calendar. Likewise, its use works the same for face-to-face meetings, booking rooms and inviting both employees and possible external visitors, who receive all the information via email, leaving the meeting linked to their calendar.

One step further in the booking and management of meeting rooms is the automation of spaces, many companies have equipped in their meeting rooms or workspaces informative touch screens linked to management software, showing the status of occupation of the rooms, and allowing monitoring by employees.

In summary

The changes that we have all seen in our work environment have opened us to new possibilities of connection, both with our work and with our work environment. New technologies have transformed our way of meeting, and this trend will transform corporate spaces, reforming them towards the need and integration of the people who live in the company, thus strengthening their experience and integration with the work environment.


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