Hybo receives Capterra’s «Best ease of use 2023» awards

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Capterra otorga a Hybo el premio Best ease of use 2023

Hybo is proud to have been awarded the 2023 «Best ease of use 2023» badges in two different categories. This award has been granted thanks to the excellent reviews and ratings Hybo has received on the Capterra platform.


Capterra is a free online marketplace provider that serves as an intermediary between buyers and sellers of technology within the software industry. This prestigious Gartner portal allows verified users of each tool to rate various attributes of the software they use in their companies so that portal users can validate their performance.


The badges awarded to Hybo are in the facility management and digital workplace categories, highlighting the versatility and value Hybo brings to both facility management and the digital workplace.


Facility management is a key aspect for any company or organisation, as it ensures the proper functioning of buildings, facilities and services. Hybo has excelled in this area by providing an efficient solution for the coordination and organisation of its customers’ facility-related activities.


The platform facilitates the booking and management of shared spaces, leading to a better use of resources and improved efficiency and safety of operations.


Furthermore, the recognition in the digital workplace category is a testament to Hybo’s ability to optimise employee productivity and collaboration in a digital environment. The platform offers a flexible and innovative work experience by allowing teams to easily book workspaces and adapt them according to their specific needs.


By using digital technology such as intranets, mobile apps, communication and home automation tools, Hybo fosters collaboration and connection between team members, regardless of their physical location.

Positive customer reviews of Hybo

The credit for these badges comes from the positive feedback that Hybo customers have shared on the Capterra web portal. The reviews and ratings highlight the software’s ease of use, customisation, integration and effectiveness in improving workspace management.


Thanks to these ratings, Hybo has achieved an average rating of 4.6 out of 5 points on the platform, an achievement that fills the team behind this innovative solution with pride and happiness.


Hybo’s commitment to customer satisfaction and service excellence has been instrumental in achieving this recognition. Hybo’s development and support team has constantly strived to listen to the needs and feedback of its customers, which has allowed for continuous improvements to the platform and an increasingly enriching user experience.


In addition to the badges awarded by Capterra, Hybo is proud to have a customer base of highly reputable and recognised companies and organisations. These renowned customers have shared their success stories with Hybo, highlighting the effectiveness of the software in a variety of industries and work environments.

Hybo Experience

In summary, the combination of high integration, customisation, award winning and positive user reviews make Hybo a market-leading workspace booking software. Its ability to transform the team experience, facilitate facilities management and enhance digital work environments has been recognised and appreciated by its customers and the Capterra portal.


With an average rating of four out of five, Hybo continues to be a reliable and efficient choice for businesses looking to optimise their space and improve collaboration in the workplace.

Hybo not only manages workspaces, but also offers tailor-made solutions for each client.

Contact us and discover everything we can do for you.

Hybo rep els premis "Best ease of use 2023" de Capterra
Hybo recibe los premios “Best ease of use 2023” de Capterra
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