Canteen booking software

Hybo is the ideal company canteen shift booking software application and your solution for managing your business spaces easily and remotely.

Reservas de comedores

More than 10,000 companies trust Hybo every day


Simplify the management of your company canteen shifts and bookings

Simplify the management of your company’s dining room shifts and reservations with Hybo. Providing a space for staff to socialize and rest is essential in any company. With Hybo, the corporate dining room reservation software, you can simplify the management of your company’s dining room schedules and allow your employees to easily and quickly reserve their shift. Optimize the management of your corporate dining room with Hybo.

Gestiona los turnos de comedor para mayor flexibilidad de tu equipo


Easy and flexible management for canteen booking

Communal spaces help break down a company’s departmental barriers. These places create a relaxed environment in which different members of multiple teams can interact informally while also being in a work environment. With Hybo, all your team needs to do is go into their Hybo profile, select the available canteen time and book it. Their space will automatically be reserved.

Software de reservas de turnos de comedor Hybo

Connected and secure workspaces.

Hybo integrates with the most implemented management tools, as well as third-party multi-sector tools and solutions, allowing for the centralization and simplification of processes.


The flexible solution for managing canteen capacity

Avoid over-occupancy of canteen. Monitor canteen occupancy so your employees don’t have to go check it on site or waste time waiting for a free seat and then rush their meal. Offer your employees the Hybo canteen reservation system, an easy-to-use
app that helps your employees find and book communal spaces that meet their time constraints and health requirements.

Programa para reservas turnos de comedor Hybo


Efficient use of corporate canteens

With Hybo’s occupancy reports, you’ll be able to analyse the current and future occupancy of your canteens to measure their performance. Use Hybo’s analytics to monitor the use of corporate canteens and plan decisions ahead to redesign your team’s canteens, saving on unnecessary expenses.

Sistema de reservas de turnos de comedor Hybo

What do Hybo users say?

Optimize the management of your office spaces

Access to manage all the spaces in your company in an easy and collaborative way.

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