Vehicle management administrator

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Manage vehicles in your company with this new integration

In the dynamic world of space management, efficiency is key. In this context, Hybo stands out as an undisputed leader, offering comprehensive solutions through its innovative SaaS-based software. In an exciting expansion of its functionality, Hybo has recently launched a new integration in its administrator dashboard: vehicle management from the administrator dashboard!


Space management has never been so complete. With the ability to book desks, meeting rooms, canteen shifts and parking spaces, Hybo was already at the forefront of optimising resources in corporate environments. Now, with the introduction of vehicle management from the administrator dashboard, Hybo raises its game, giving managers unprecedented control over all aspects of an organisation’s space infrastructure.


The key to our software’s efficiency lies in its intuitive and easy-to-use administrator dashboard. From this command centre, administrators can assign lockers to users, monitor occupancy data and now manage vehicles. The integration of vehicle management allows administrators to perform key tasks directly from the dashboard, further simplifying day-to-day operations.

Functionalities of the new integration


  1. Add vehicles: from the Hybo administration panel, it is now possible to add new vehicles to the system with a few clicks. This functionality is essential to keep the organisation’s vehicle database up to date.


  1. Modify vehicle information: changes to a vehicle’s information, such as plate, model or owner, can easily be made from the administrator panel. This ensures that information is always accurate and up to date.


  1. Deregister vehicles: when a vehicle is no longer in service or has been replaced, administrators can deregister the corresponding vehicle, thus maintaining a consistent and up-to-date vehicle list. In addition, when you deregister a vehicle, any bookings made for it will be immediately deleted.


  1. History log: the new integration not only facilitates real-time management, but also maintains a detailed history of all actions taken in relation to vehicles. This history is essential for tracking and auditing.

Benefits for the organization

Incorporating vehicle management into our software not only simplifies administrative tasks, but also brings tangible benefits to the organisation as a whole:


  • Resource optimisation: by having a complete view of space occupancy and vehicle management, organisations can better optimise their resources, ensuring efficient use of their facilities and vehicle fleets.


  • Time savings: the ability to perform all tasks related to vehicle management in one place saves time and reduces the possibility of administrative errors.


  • Increased transparency: transparency is key in organisational management. With the new integration, administrators have instant access to accurate vehicle information, improving decision-making.


  • Improved security: centralised vehicle management not only facilitates administration, but also improves security by ensuring that only authorised vehicles have access to the facility.

Take full advantage of this integration!

To take full advantage of the capabilities of the new integration, users are advised to follow a few key steps:


  • Staff training: ensure that key administrators and users are familiar with the new functionalities. Training can ensure effective use and rapid adoption.


  • Updating information: keep vehicle information in the system up to date to ensure accuracy and efficiency of management.


  • Explore advanced functionality: in addition to the core functionality, explore the advanced capabilities of the integration, such as reporting and trend analysis for deeper insight.


Hybo’s new vehicle management integration is a significant step towards a more efficient and organised future. By offering a comprehensive solution for space and vehicle management, Hybo once again demonstrates its commitment to innovation and continuous improvement.


Users of our software have at their disposal a more complete and powerful tool to optimise their daily operations. From locker allocation to vehicle fleet management, everything can be done efficiently from one place, giving organisations total control over their environment.


In an ever-evolving business world where efficiency and agility are crucial, Hybo’s vehicle management dashboard integration stands out as an example of how technology can transform the way we manage our spaces and resources.

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Gestió de vehicles administrador
Gestión de vehículos panel administrador
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