Que Cocine Peter is now a Hybo partner!

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Que Cocine Peter, el servicio de comida casera directa a tu oficina, y Hybo, el software especializado en gestión y reserva de espacios de trabajo, promete cambiar la forma en que los empleados disfrutan las comidas en sus lugares de trabajo.

Modern life is hectic and often leaves no time for home-cooked meals. In a world where convenience is key, the partnership between Que Cocine Peter, the direct-to-office home meal service, and Hybo, the specialist workspace management and booking software, promises to change the way employees enjoy meals in the workplace.


With over 1,000 preservative and additive-free home-cooked meals from 17 different kitchens, Que Cocine Peter is the ideal partner, covering the whole of mainland Spain, and allowing employees to enjoy healthy and delicious meals without the hassle of cooking. Furthermore, this partnership aligns perfectly with the vision of Human Resources (HR) departments to offer benefits that improve employees’ quality of life (Launch as a benefit).


Food in the workplace has a significant impact on the health and well-being of employees. The availability of healthy food options not only increases employee satisfaction, but can also improve their productivity and overall well-being.


Que Cocine Peter stands out in the market with its selection of over 1000 home-cooked dishes, all prepared without preservatives or additives. The diversity of cuisines available, with 17 different cuisines to choose from, ensures that employees have access to a wide range of culinary options to suit their tastes and preferences.

Próximamente nuevo módulo de servicio de Hybo
Próximamente nuevo módulo de servicio de Hybo

Find out more about its advantages

The collaboration between Hybo and Que Cocine Peter provides a number of key benefits for employees and companies looking to improve the workplace experience:


  • Healthy and varied food: Que Cocine Peter offers a wide variety of homemade dishes without preservatives and additives, allowing employees to enjoy delicious and nutritious meals at their workplace. This promotes healthier eating and a better quality of life.


  • Time saving: employees can forget about cooking and spend more time on their work tasks or personal activities. This reduces stress and improves work-life balance.


  • Benefits for HR departments: Que Cocine Peter meal offer can be used as an additional benefit for employees, which can increase job satisfaction and talent retention. HR departments can use this partnership to attract and retain the best employees.


  • Facilitates workspace management: Hybo, as a workspace management software, can integrate meal management in the office in an efficient way. Employees can book spaces and order their meals together, making it easier to coordinate activities in the office.


  • Meal flexibility: the variety of kitchens available at Que Cocine Peter offers exceptional flexibility. Employees can choose from a wide range of culinary options, which is especially useful for companies with employees from different backgrounds and food preferences.


  • Promoting health and well-being: the availability of healthy meals in the workplace contributes to the promotion of employee health and well-being. A balanced diet can reduce fatigue, increase energy and strengthen immunity.


In conclusion, the collaboration between Que Cocine Peter and Hybo marks an exciting step forward in the way employees enjoy their meals in the workplace. Que Cocine Peter’s high-quality, preservative- and additive-free, home-cooked meal offering integrates seamlessly with Hybo’s workspace management platform, enabling companies to offer a valuable benefit to their employees.


This not only improves employee satisfaction and retention, but also promotes a healthy and productive work environment. Together, Que Cocine Peter and Hybo are simplifying eating at work and elevating the employee experience to a new level.

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¡Que Cocine Peter és ara col·laborador de Hybo!
¡Que Cocine Peter es ahora partner de Hybo!
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