Penalties algorithm with Hybo

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Bonifica a tus empleados con mejor uso de los espacios dando prioridad a sus reservas

We are happy to announce our new custom development at Hybo! One of our daily goals is to adapt to the needs and concerns of our customers and to improve our software, making it easier for employees and companies. 

 The new functionality developed in our software is the penalty algorithm. This new function is designed for companies with little parking space and high demand for them by employees, allowing pre-bookings and informing workers who have made it whether or not they have reserved a parking space

 Its operation is very simple: let’s imagine that a company has only seven parking spaces and seven people make a pre-reservation, the company determines a time each day at which parking spaces are assigned to the employees who have pre-reserved them according to conditions that we will explain later; in the event that only seven people have pre-reserved those seven spaces that day, at that time determined by the company, the employees are assigned their requested spaces.  

 However, in the event that thirteen people have requested a parking space and the company only has seven, the penalty algorithm jumps and those employees who make good use of Hybo will have priority booking. What does good use of Hybo mean?, you may ask.

 The company has the ability to set a period of time, such as a month or two, to evaluate employees’ use of the software. During that period, the penalty algorithm will be based on the employees’ behaviour in making parking reservations. 

 If an employee has made a parking reservation for a certain day and then realises that he/she does not need it, if he/she cancels that reservation, it will be considered a good use of Hybo. This shows responsibility and helps to free up the parking space for another employee who needs it.

 On the other hand, if an employee makes a parking reservation that he/she does not use and also does not cancel it within the period set by the company (e.g. one month), it will be considered a misuse of the software. As a result, that employee will be penalised by losing priority in accepting future parking pre-bookings.

What does this new functionality offer?

  • Allows the company to schedule a time at which employees are allocated a reservation slot, prioritising those who make good use of Hybo.
  • It allows the company to define a limit period of good use of the software (that, during one month, two, three… employees have made good use of Hybo; this period is chosen by the company).
  • In case of high demand for parking spaces in a car park with very limited spaces, the algorithm will give those spaces to the employees, prioritising those who make good use of the software.

What are the advantages?

  • Efficient parking space management: optimises the allocation of parking spaces in companies with limited space and high demand. Priority is given to those who make good use of the app, ensuring a fair and equitable allocation of parking spaces.
  • Encouraging good use of the app: by setting clear criteria for what is considered good use of the app, such as cancelling unused reservations, it promotes responsibility and awareness among employees. It can reduce the number of unused bookings and ensure maximum utilisation of places.
  • Incentive to cancel unused bookings: penalising employees who do not cancel unused bookings creates an incentive for employees to manage their bookings correctly. This helps to free up parking spaces that would otherwise remain blocked and allow other employees to use them.
  • Increased transparency and fairness: Adds fairness and transparency to the parking space allocation process. Employees can see that steps are being taken to ensure fair allocation and that those who make correct use of the app are rewarded.

Hybo not only manages workspaces, but also offers tailor-made solutions for each client.

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Algoritme de penalitzacions amb Hybo
Carsharing, compartir cotxe entre companys amb Hybo
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