Hybo and Policharger, an electrifying union

Picture of Pol


Policharger es una empresa navarra de fabricación de cargadores eléctricos comprometida con la durabilidad y la excelencia en el servicio técnico.

We are proud to announce the partnership between Hybo and Policharger. A union that will allow companies to focus on sustainability and energy efficiency and to overcome the challenge of workspace management. Do you want to know why?


Hybo is a space management software in which you can book desks, meeting rooms, canteen shifts or parking reservations, among many other options: manage incidents, create external visits… In addition, its unique interface is customisable, easy, intuitive and quick to use.


On the other hand, Policharger is a Navarre-based electric charger manufacturing company committed to durability and excellence in technical service. The partnership between the two companies aims to meet the needs of customers who want to integrate the management of chargers for electric or hybrid vehicles in Hybo’s parking module. This union brings great advantages to companies that want to benefit from this new relationship between Hybo and Policharger:

Advantages that companies and customers will gain:

  • Increased sustainability: electric vehicle charging is essential to reduce a company’s carbon footprint. The Hybo-Policharger partnership enables companies to move towards more sustainable mobility by offering electric charging solutions at their work facilities.




  • Increased efficiency: the integration of space management and electric vehicle charging simplifies processes for companies. Employees can reserve workspaces that include access to chargers, which improves efficiency in resource utilisation.




  • Employee satisfaction: with the possibility to charge their electric vehicles at the workplace, employees will experience greater convenience and an additional reason to choose more sustainable vehicles. This can improve employee satisfaction and talent retention.




  • Quality technical support: Policharger is known for its excellence in technical service, ensuring uninterrupted operation of chargers on company premises.




  • Customised charging flexibility: the collaboration between the two entities allows companies to customise the charging of electric vehicles according to their needs. This ensures efficient energy management and avoids overloading the facilities.


  • Cost savings: by offering electric vehicle charging at the workplace, companies can reduce the costs associated with public charging and provide their employees with a valuable benefit. In addition, by managing workspaces more efficiently, companies can optimise their use of resources and save on operating costs.




  • Regulatory compliance and sustainability: electric vehicle charging in the workplace can help companies meet environmental regulations and sustainability goals. By reducing transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions, companies can contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment.




  • Customer and employee attraction: the ability to charge electric vehicles on-site can be an attractive differentiator for customers and employees. Companies can use this offer as a marketing element, demonstrating their commitment to sustainable mobility and the convenience of their customers and employees.


  • Safety and convenience: Policharger’s electric chargers are designed to be safe and easy to use. This provides users with a hassle-free charging experience and reduces concerns about the safety of vehicles and electrical systems.




  • Increased parking availability: The implementation of electric chargers can improve parking management, as electric vehicles can share charging spaces. This can lead to increased parking availability in general, which is beneficial for both employees and visitors.



In conclusion, the partnership between the two companies is a bold step towards a more sustainable and efficient future. Offering companies a one-stop solution for workspace management and charging of electric and hybrid vehicles demonstrates a shared commitment to innovation and environmental responsibility.


Companies that embrace this partnership will be well positioned to lead in the transition to cleaner mobility and more efficient workspaces. Hybo and Policharger are electrifying the way to a brighter future.

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Hybo i Policharger, una unió electritzant
Hybo y Policharger, una unión electrizante
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