Unlimited maps

Picture of Pol


Mapas ilimitados en hybo

Unlimited self-managed maps

The new hybo integration increases the self-management of our software, giving administrators more freedom of use. This way, you will be able to add or modify your office maps yourself with a png image.

Surely, if you are already using hybo, you will have already analysed your office occupancy metrics and maybe it is time to redesign or modify your office layout.

Perhaps in recent months you have noticed an increase in occupancy in your spaces and some employees have complained to you that they don’t have a desk the day they want to go to the office. In this case, you have probably considered adding a couple more desks to cover the demand.

However, it may also be that since you implemented hybrid working, there are some desks that are never booked or occupied. In this case, you would probably be happy to remove them in order to have more open offices.

Whatever your case may be, what is clear is that the office requires constant modification, and for this, you need tools to be able to decide how to renew them, and in turn, how to manage them.

For this, we believe that our new interaction is a breakthrough. Now you can create your own maps and upload them to hybo.

Thanks to this new integration, in your admin panel, you will be able to upload the maps of your offices and select which zones are bookable. As you know, you can give each zone the roles or permissions you need, without the need to ask anyone else for help.

This new tool further integrates the employee experience, hybo’s main goal, by giving you the freedom to modify your offices without it being a hindrance to the use of your workspace booking software.

This new integration brings useful advantages in the management of your workspaces.


You will be able to change the maps of your zones instantly, without the need to contact our technical service.



Improves space management, as it will adapt to the needs detected in your employees to make the best possible use of the space.



At no extra cost and with the saving of being able to manage your maps yourself without contracting our service.



As mentioned, this integration is configurable according to company spaces, protocols, regulations and roles.

Mapes il·limitats
Mapas ilimitados
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