Information panels in meeting rooms

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Information panels in meeting rooms

Visible, updated information and flexibility. This is the goal of the new Hybo implementation; Information screens installed at the entrances to the meeting rooms.

Hybo’s new information panels are integrated with our space management software, in this way, the panels, which are tactile, show all the bookings and availability of the room during the days of the week.

With this simple tool, your team will be able to know the availability of the rooms instantly. Also, if the room is available, your team can make the meeting room booking at the same time using the panels installed at your entrance.

Another of the functionalities that the Hybo information panels provide is the possibility of Check-in and Check-out of any booking that has been made in the room. In this way, you will obtain the use and occupation of the space, likewise, if the Check-in is not carried out in the established time, or in the case of cancelling the booking, Hybo would free the space, making it available to other users in the information panels.

This simple tool has beneficial advantages in meeting room management.


Your team will be able to booking a room without having to ask or open the Hybo app.


With this tool, you always make the space available to your team.


Your team will be free to booking or release the room, always giving up their space to other colleagues.


Availability is linear, your entire team will have the same updated information.


This tool allows you to book, check-in and release, centralizing all home automation in a single tool.


The main objective is that the space revolves around the needs of your team, with our information panels you will be closer to this objective.

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