Technical service from Hybo

If you’re a customer and have any inquiries or technical questions, you can contact our technical service.


Before writing to us, we advise you to read our FAQ to find the solution you are looking for.

FAQ hybo

Can I integrate Hybo immediately into my offices?

From minute 0, hybo can be integrated into your management tools without waiting for developments or studies.

Can I customize its functions?

Hybo allows you to be customizable, adding maps of your offices and your corporate image. In addition, it allows you to implement custom functionalities.

Does Hybo integrate with my management tools?

Hybo integrates into most management tools such as Office 365, Google Workspace, SaaS, etc.

Does Hybo allow home automation?

Among many of its features, Hybo allows you to integrate devices to carry out automated Check-In and Check-Out or screens to make reservations or show availability and occupancy.

Is it a mobile and responsive application?

It is a progressive web app that works on any mobile device, laptop, tablet, you can install it as an application on the device and it will open in a web browser of your choice.

Do they charge me for spaces?

No, our plans are for licensing by users, not by physical space.

What are maps?

They are those plans or areas where we determine the space to be reserved, whether office floors or parking spaces.

Are meeting rooms synchronized with Outlook room management?

Yes, when you make a reservation through hybo it synchronizes with Outlook and it is bidirectional, this means that if you book through both Hybo and Outlook, no one else will be able to book it.

Can I free up a job if I don't go to the office?

Yes, you have the option to delete the reservation and leave the reserved space free.

Do you have API integration?

Yes, we have an API

Can I divide the spaces by Zones?

Yes, we can separate the work spaces by zones/departments to limit the reservation of spaces and be able to have our entire team in the same place.

Can I group my teams in similar spaces?

Yes, with the division of zones we can separate and gather the members of the teams into zones.

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