New internal communication module

Picture of Pol



Internal communication module

We are excited to announce a new way to keep our employees informed and connected to the company! We have created a module that allows employees to receive important company news and updates within hybo.

This new module offers a more convenient and efficient experience for employees, who can access relevant information anytime, anywhere.

It also helps foster a culture of collaboration and teamwork by keeping employees informed and up-to-date on company objectives, goals and achievements.

To communicate your news, events, releases, etc. All you have to do is access your administration menu and, using the SharePoint tool, add the text, image, link or video you want to communicate.

When you publish your news, all your collaborators will be able to access it in the «News» menu. This menu functions as a wall of publications, which you can add, edit or delete at any time.

5 improvements brought about by our communication module

  1. It improves motivation
  2. It promotes a culture of transparency
  3. Increases the feeling of belonging
  4. Improves decision-making
  5. Reduced rumours and speculation

Overall, keeping employees informed and connected helps to improve their satisfaction and engagement with the company, which can in turn help retain and attract talent, and increase the organisation’s productivity and success.

We are proud to offer this new tool to our employees and we are sure you will like it.

Stay tuned for more updates in the future!

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