Hybo integrates with Woffu

What is Woffu?

Woffu is a cloud-based platform created for time management optimization with the aim of maximizing communication and transparency among all departments of a company. In the era of digitization and liquid work, HR processes need to start adapting to the new world.
Woffu is the leading time management solution in Spain. It digitizes presence management and advocates for liquid work, making work life easier and more productive. We are in the era of digitization, and the concept of time should not escape this unstoppable trend.

Why use Woffu + Hybo?

By using these two solutions, you enable your collaborators to clock in and out of their workday, bidirectionally connecting to Hybo. In other words, when clocking in on Woffu, the check-in is automatically done for all reservations made that day in Hybo, and vice versa.

Benefits of using Woffu in Hybo?

Efficient Automation:

The integration of Hybo with Woffu allows efficient automation of clocking in and reservations. When clocking in on Woffu, the check-in is automatically done for all corporate space reservations made in Hybo for that day. This automation saves time and reduces administrative burden.

Bidirectional Synchronization:

Bidirectional synchronization between Woffu and Hybo ensures that clocking in and reservation information is always updated on both platforms. Whether employees register their presence in Woffu or make reservations in Hybo, both systems will be aligned, providing an accurate and consistent view of work activity.

Comprehensive View of Time and Space:

By combining Woffu’s time management with Hybo’s corporate space reservations, companies gain a comprehensive view of time and space usage. This facilitates more efficient resource planning, ensuring that spaces are available when needed, in accordance with the presence and activities recorded in Woffu.

Improved User Experience:

The integration provides a smoother and cohesive user experience. Employees can perform both clocking in and space reservations from a single platform, eliminating the need to switch between different systems. This not only simplifies the process for users but also improves the accuracy and integrity of data.

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