Hybo and FreeNow bring you to the office

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Hybo y FreeNow se unen para llevarte a tu oficina

Hybo and FreeNow team up to bring you to your office

Hybo continues to establish itself in the field of workspace management, providing a cloud-based SaaS platform that enables organisations to transform their work environments into flexible and efficient spaces. From space booking to external visitor management, Hybo has become a strategic partner for companies looking to maximise efficiency and collaboration in their work environment.  

Based in Hamburg, FreeNow has been a key player in the mobility landscape since its founding in 2009. Its app connects customers with taxi drivers, and since 2018, the introduction of electric scooters has further elevated its presence in more than 100 European cities.  

In a business context where agility and adaptability are imperative, the strategic partnership between Hybo and FreeNow stands as a response to changing work dynamics. Hybo, a leader in workspace management solutions, and FreeNow, a pioneer in mobility in Europe, have decided to join forces to create better work experiences for both companies and their employees. 


Promote a sustainable culture in your company

The partnership between Hybo and FreeNow translates into new experiences for employees in the workplace. The ability to book workspaces and mobility services in a coordinated manner expands the possibilities of means to attend different workspaces, enhancing the work experience and offering employees new possibilities, all improving the operational efficiency of companies.  

The collaboration between Hybo and FreeNow enables coordinated travel planning, not only optimising employees’ time, but also reducing the need for unnecessary travel, thus fostering a more environmentally conscious company culture.  

This partnership goes beyond operational efficiency, furthermore, insisting on building a sustainable business culture. The ability of companies to offer their employees more environmentally friendly options has an immediate impact and contributes to the creation of a workforce that is more conscious and committed to long-term sustainability.  

The partnership between Hybo and FreeNow doesn’t just represent a strategic collaboration; it promises a revolution in the workplace experience. From space optimisation to tangible employee benefits, this union offers an end-to-end solution that redefines the meaning of modern work. Hybo and FreeNow are leading the way to a more connected, flexible and beneficial work environment, marking a significant milestone in the evolution of the way we work and move. 

Benefits of collaboration

  1. Centralised management: the integration of both platforms allows companies to centralise the management of workspaces and mobility on a single platform, simplifying administration and improving internal coordination. 
  1. Increased productivity: by providing employees with integrated tools for space booking and mobility services, time spent on administrative tasks is reduced, resulting in increased labour productivity. 
  1. Access to analytical data: the collaboration between Hybo and FreeNow offers companies access to combined analytical data, enabling deeper analysis of space and mobility usage patterns. This facilitates informed decision making to improve operational efficiency. 
  1. Flexible working hours: efficient coordination of space and mobility allows employees to have more flexible working hours, as it facilitates adapting to different work locations as needed, contributing to a better work-life balance. 
  1. Improved customer experience: for companies that receive external visitors, the ability to manage both workspaces and mobility in a coordinated way improves the customer experience, creating a more comfortable and efficient environment. 
  1. Promoting hybrid working: the integration of Hybo and FreeNow facilitates the management of spaces for employees who work in a hybrid way, allowing a smooth transition between working in the office and off-site. 
  1. Reduced commuting costs: by optimising mobility and coordinating travel, the need for unnecessary commuting is reduced, contributing to the reduction of transport-related costs and increasing financial efficiency. 
  1. Personalisation of experiences: the ability to customise the booking of mobility spaces and services allows employees to tailor their work experience according to their preferences, improving job satisfaction and engagement. 
  1. Simplified recruitment: for growing companies, space and mobility coordination facilitates the onboarding of new employees by providing an efficient and flexible work environment from the outset, streamlining the recruitment process. 
  1. Commitment to long-term sustainability: by offering more environmentally friendly options, the partnership contributes to building a more committed and sustainability-conscious workforce in the long term. This not only impacts positively on the company’s reputation, but also attracts and retains employees who value corporate social responsibility. 


These combined benefits demonstrate how the strategic partnership between Hybo and FreeNow not only improves specific aspects, but also comprehensively transforms the way companies manage their work environments and the mobility of their employees. 

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