How to keep my office optimized?

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Cómo mantener mi oficina óptimizada-min

How to keep my office optimized?

The management of spaces continues to be a complicated task for companies that do not have specific software. If you want to know how the building is using the spaces, there are always two options: send someone to count them or use a space management system.

Workspaces always have to offer their inhabitants all the tools to be able to play their roles within the organization, for this it is important that they are always optimal, both physically and environmentally.

For this, it is important to be able to measure its optimization, and this can be evaluated through several analyses:


Office occupation:

Surely, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the offices of your company have been emptier than usual, which leads us to the first metric, the occupancy percentage.

To measure it, we can count the number of people who are working at a given moment and divide it by the total number of square meters available to work, so we will know what percentage is occupied at that moment.

This data will help us make decisions about whether we need to expand our office space or not.

Adapted furniture:

The second metric is the condition of our work furniture. The workspaces must comply with the regulations of occupational hazards such as, for example, that the height of a desk does not exceed two meters.

To measure this, we can use systems such as Building Information Modelling (BIM), which allow us to analyze and predict the state of our facilities based on the use that is given to it.

In addition, during the Covid-19 pandemic, sanitary measures have been established within the office, such as the safety distance, which has generated the reorganization of space and furniture, affecting its optimization

In offices where space was optimized, it has now been altered by the need to separate employees based on their risk.

Energy consumption

Design is another aspect to consider, since through good design you can achieve smaller spaces, but without sacrificing functionality or ergonomics. In addition, the equipment and facilities must reduce energy consumption since it is betting on sustainability.

Adapting spaces with natural light, low consumption equipment or betting on renewable energies optimize their offices and create brand value.


Space distribution

The nature of the work also plays an important role in deciding the interior design of corporate offices. The office space must be adapted to the needs of the company and the needs of the workers.

The common rooms and individual workspaces must be feasible and suitable for the tasks to be carried out. If they are not optimal, systems or equipment that involve an expense must be relocated to optimize spaces. Such as oversized meeting rooms or unused common spaces.

Clean and neat

Cleanliness is another key factor in keeping offices tidy. Dirt not only affects the image of a company, but it can also affect the health of employees.

For this, preventive maintenance must be carried out so as not to interrupt the workflow or positions with problems directly related to the offices where the work is carried out, in addition, you must always have a system against inclement weather such as pests or damage due to humidity and extreme temperatures.


Equipment and facilities

Equipment and facilities should be there to help employees, and not to stress them out. To do this, they must work correctly and in case of breakdowns, maintenance teams must update quickly.

If your office has unused equipment and facilities, it is because they are not adapted to your employees, and, therefore, it is a useless resource for your team.

Your team is the one that best knows their equipment and facilities. For this, you must see if the tools at their disposal are used and how many incidents it generates.

Employee use

The best way to see if your office spaces are efficient is to observe employee use. If, for example, your offices have two meeting rooms, but they always meet in the same one, perhaps you do not need two, or perhaps the other is not suitable.

In the same way it can happen in desks, dining rooms or parking spaces. To evaluate good office management, you must have two objectives clearly met:

  • Offices must be adapted to the needs of employees

  • Need for equipment and facilities working properly

Once these two rules are met, you should always go to the next step:

  • Prior consultation with the staff before making modifications in the office. Your team is the one that best knows their equipment and facilities, so it is always good to consult

When you have a company, you must think about everything: from the logo to the way you are going to work. Your team is the one that best knows their equipment and facilities, so it is always good to consult


Offices for years

The offices must be in line with the prospects of the company, if your company has growth prospects, do not wait for your employees to have to queue to occupy the meeting rooms to increase space.

If you want to promote communication between departments, eliminate physical barriers and implement open offices, do not expect your employees to do so without having the optimal space.

The physical space not only shows the current state of your company, but also marks the future it seeks.

The solution: implement a single space management and booking software.

With Hybo, your employees can book their desks, can book meeting rooms and booking canteen shifts. And they will be able to booking their parking spaces and manage their visits. In addition, by reporting incidents, your company employees will be able to report incidents both in the equipment and in the facilities.

With this management, you will be able to measure the occupation of each area of your company by your employees and by the external visits that are generated in your facilities.

With Hybo you will be able to get hourly and zone occupancy analytics and detect with data that spaces are too busy or empty due to lack of use.

Through the incidence, you will be able to observe what equipment and facilities need to be improved, and you will be able to modify your spaces based on the real and future needs of your office.

With this tool, you will have an office that is always optimized and fully operational, allowing your analysis in just one click.

Com mantenir la meva oficina optimitzada?
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