How can I manage the return to the office?

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How can I manage the return to the office in the new normality?

To keep operations running during the pandemic, most companies adopted new ways of working that left their offices and opened the door to a new world that had as its name, telecommuting.

A year later, the world seems very different. Little by little everything seems to return to normal or, rather, to this new normal. A new normal where companies seek to implement a mix between total presence and work from home. That is why the hybrid work concept is gaining popularity and is starting to be the bottom line for many companies. Here we will give you some tips on how to manage this return to the office, providing security and comfort.


Is there enough space between the tables? Is a new workplace organization necessary? Do we guarantee the safety distance? These are some of the factors that must be considered. The space between workers must be guaranteed, with a table for each one and a daily disinfection.

This is all very easy with Hybo. The application allows you to manage offices and booking a desk for each of your workers. Both in application and on the web, the workers themselves can choose where to sit. We recommend this, since, if the worker can choose the site of it, it allows him to feel much more comfortable and freer.


Office work helps teams stay functional and aligned with each other’s work.

Communication is a key factor in companies. And coordination should be considered essential when managing the group and ensuring productivity and the smooth running of the company. That is why a well-structured and organized office, with guaranteed security and the possibility of booking meeting rooms, is a key factor for any company.

From Hybo we have also promoted the option of being able to booking meeting rooms to maintain fluid communication and ensure that management and productivity that sometimes worries us so much.



Many times, people prefer to stay at home for security reasons.

Many of them used public transport to access their jobs. And many of them made that decision based on the difficulty that parking can have in some areas.

Today, and as we have been saying, many people want to save the trip on public transport so as not to expose themselves to a possible contagion. That is why it is important to ensure the safety of our employees during the trips to the office and back home.

Hybo here also does its part and allows employees to make parking booking to leave their cars during working hours and go home comfortably without putting themselves at risk.



Many of the workers decide to stay home for one simple reason: food.

The fact of being able to eat comfortably, having a space dedicated to food, is a factor that many of our employee’s value when deciding whether to go to the office or stay at home. That is why it is vitally important to separate the spaces and provide different areas to carry out activities such as food. In addition, if we can ensure a space where our workers can eat in peace, it will make them come with more prepared and elaborate meals and put preheated meals.

Hybo provides an option that will allow you to book and manage a canteen, as well as to be able to choose the area where to eat everything, guaranteeing the protection and safety of the workers.



Now that it seems that conversations and visits in person and not behind a screen are returning to our lives, it is very important to have a space to meet with national or foreign clients. That is why the management and booking of these days is beginning to be a highly requested task.

Once again, Hybo allows you to save, manage and booking all the visits that you may have in your office or in the office that you have reserved.


As we have seen throughout the article, providing a safe, organized, and comfortable return to the office is not difficult. What’s more, it is recommended for its multiple benefits, as well as the implementation of hybrid work.

If you have been wanting to discover more about Hybo and how it works for office bookings, we leave you the link so you can request a demo and get better information.

Com puc gestionar la tornada a l'oficina?
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