Daily Booking Report

Picture of Pol


Reporte diario de reservas en los espacios

New functionality in Hybo! Now you can report the usage of your bookings on a daily basis.

At Hybo we continue working to improve the management of your bookings. That’s why next week we are launching a new feature that will allow you to report daily the use of your bookings and thus have a better control of your company’s workspaces.

What does this new feature consist of? Hybo administrators will be able to activate this option in each workspace managed by the platform. From there, they will be able to obtain daily reports on the use of bookings in each workspace.

Let's see how to activate this new functionality in 3 minutes:

To activate the booking reports you must access the administrator panel and select the space you want to receive the notifications.

Activar reportes de reservas diarias en hybo

Once you are inside the space configuration, you will have to go to notifications.

Activar reportes de reservas diarias por email en hybo

Within notifications, you only have to enter the emails of the managers who should receive the daily report and your daily booking report functionality will be activated.

This functionality is present in all the spaces you manage with hybo, so you can assign different people responsible for receiving the daily booking reports depending on your organisation.

What are the benefits of this new functionality? Here are some of them:

Greater control: you will be able to know at all times who has used your bookings and who has not.


Time saving: you will be able to obtain the daily reports in an automated way and you will not have to invest time in checking the use of the bookings one by one.


Space optimisation: by knowing who is using the bookings you will be able to better manage the workspaces and optimise their use.


Identification of usage patterns: with this functionality you will be able to identify usage patterns and adjust the availability of spaces according to your company’s needs.


Greater transparency: by being able to report the use of reservations, you will be able to promote transparency in the management of workspaces.


Real-time information: the generation of daily reports will allow you to have real-time information on the use of bookings.


Improved decision making: by having up-to-date information on the use of bookings, you will be able to make better decisions regarding the management of workspaces.


Communication with employees: You can use the daily reports to communicate with employees and remind them of the importance of responsible use of bookings.


All in all, with this new daily booking usage reporting functionality, Hybo continues to work to improve the management of your company’s workspaces, we hope you enjoy it and find it a great help!

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