Book your menu and dining time with Hybo

Picture of Pol


Con Hybo ahora puedes elegir el menú diario de tu comedor y reservarlo

We have integrated a new option in the canteen reservation and management module: menu reservation. With this new option, when your employees go to book their table and dining room shift, they will also be able to book the menu they want to eat that day.


This option will have a tab that will show the different menus that the canteen service offers that day and you will be able to select the menu that you would most like to choose from among those menus. In addition, a ticket can be printed from the software indicating which menu the employee has requested so that when they go to the canteen they only have to pick it up by showing their ticket.


In other words, with the intention of facilitating and improving the employee’s work experience, they can choose which menu to eat that day from Hybo and print the ticket from the software with which they can pick up the menu directly from the canteen.

Advantages of this option:

  • Reserving a seat in the canteen: by allowing employees to reserve their place to eat, uncomfortable situations of lack of space or waiting in long queues can be avoided. Employees can plan their meal in advance and guarantee their place in the canteen.


  • Menu selection: giving employees the option to choose from different menus gives them autonomy and takes into account the diversity of tastes and dietary needs. This allows for a more personalised and satisfying dining experience for each employee.


  • Efficiency and time savings: by integrating site reservation and menu selection, time and resources are optimised for both employees and the company. The need to manage reservations is reduced.

Benefits of booking menu:

  • Convenience and personalisation: employees can select their preferred menu in advance, providing them with convenience and the opportunity to choose dishes that suit their tastes and dietary needs. This promotes a more satisfying and personalised dining experience for each individual.


  • Time savings: by allowing employees to reserve their seat and select a menu in advance, waiting time in the canteen is reduced. This allows employees to use their lunch time more efficiently and avoid long lines or the uncertainty of finding a free seat.


  • Increased operational efficiency: by integrating seat reservation and menu selection into a single system, canteen management processes are simplified. The company can optimise the planning of necessary resources, such as the amount of food to be prepared, and reduce food waste by having a clearer picture of the menus selected by employees.


  • Control and follow-up: Hybo’s canteen management module with this option provides the company with an overview of reservations and menu selections. This makes it easier to monitor the demand for food, the popularity of certain dishes and the planning of future menus.


  • Improved employee satisfaction and well-being: Offering choices and amenities in the canteen demonstrates that the company cares about the well-being and satisfaction of its employees. This can increase morale and engagement, while fostering a positive work environment.

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Reserva el teu menú i torn de menjador amb Hybo
Reserva tu menú y turno de comedor con Hybo
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