Hybrid work key to finance

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El trabajo híbrido, clave para la eficiencia financiera según los directores financieros

Hybrid working, key to financial efficiency according to CFOs

In recent years, the world of work has undergone a significant transformation, driven not only by technological advances but also by the way companies and professionals view the working environment. In this context of change, hybrid working has emerged as an efficient and sustainable solution, increasingly convincing chief financial officers (CFOs).

 A revealing study by IWG highlights that 81% of CFOs see hybrid working as a key tool for saving resources, while 78% have implemented cost cuts in response to the current economic volatility. 

 The study, conducted in collaboration with Censuswide in July, surveyed more than 250 international CFOs, providing a clear picture of the rise of hybrid working over the past three years. According to the results, the hybrid trend, which involves the use of shared offices and the reduction of owned space, has proven to be an efficient cost-cutting strategy.

 The inclination towards hybrid working is not only a response to the quest for financial efficiency, but also a reflection of current business concerns. Ninety-two percent of CFOs surveyed noted that their companies have suffered financially in the past year due to economic instability and inflation, while a sizable 66% believe we are in an economic recession.

Hybrid work as a solution

Hybrid working has emerged as a cost-saving solution in this context of economic uncertainty. According to the research, 67% of CFOs plan to maintain this mode of working in the future, combining office and home-based work in the next five years. In addition, 74% of CFOs are adopting or actively seeking coworking spaces, reflecting a shift in perspective towards flexibility in the work environment.

 Adapting to hybrid working is not just limited to the choice of flexible workspaces. CFOs are implementing additional cost optimisation measures, including reducing hiring (54%), opting for short-term leases (48%), and in some cases, making redundancies (42%). Surprisingly, 42% also choose not to replace vacant positions as an additional cost-saving measure.

 Mark Dixon, CEO of IWG, underlines the importance of hybrid working as a key tool for competitiveness and business resilience, especially in uncertain times. According to Dixon, this model not only supports work-life balance, but also significantly boosts business results.

In conclusion, hybrid working not only represents a pragmatic response to the financial needs of business, but also presents an opportunity to redefine the work culture, promoting efficiency and adaptability in a changing world. By recognising the value of hybrid working, CFOs are leading the transformation to a more flexible and sustainable future.

Benefits for companies and employees

Hybrid working is not only a financial savings strategy, but also brings a number of benefits for both companies and employees. First, the flexibility inherent in hybrid working allows employees to balance their work and personal lives more effectively. This leads to greater satisfaction and productivity, as employees can adapt their schedules according to their individual needs.

 In addition, hybrid working facilitates access to more diverse and global talent, as companies are not limited by geographic locations. They can hire highly skilled professionals no matter where they are physically located, which expands recruitment possibilities and contributes to the creation of more diverse and inclusive teams.

 From the employees’ perspective, hybrid working provides the opportunity to avoid long commutes, reducing stress and improving quality of life. It also allows them to adapt their work environment according to their preferences, whether in the office or from home, which contributes to greater well-being and job satisfaction.

Hybo and its contributions to hybrid work

In this scenario of work transformation, technological tools play a crucial role. Hybo positions itself as a space management software that goes beyond the simple booking of desks and meeting rooms. With Hybo, companies can efficiently manage various aspects of the workspace, from canteen shifts to parking reservations.

 One of Hybo’s outstanding features is its ability to manage incidents effectively. This means that any workspace-related issue, be it a breakdown in a meeting room or a specific request, can be reported and resolved quickly and efficiently through the platform. 

 Soon, Hybo will enhance its interface to offer employees an even more complete experience. The ability to order takeaway food from company partner restaurants will make life easier for employees, providing them with convenient options and contributing to a more comfortable working environment. 

 In addition, aesthetic and usability improvements to the Hybo interface will make the booking and management experience more intuitive and enjoyable. The responsiveness of the improved interface will allow users to easily navigate the platform, thus improving the efficiency of workspace management.

Improving the user experience

The implementation of Hybo not only streamlines the internal management of workspaces, but also significantly improves the user experience. The ability to book desks, meeting rooms, canteen shifts or parking, all from a single, easy, intuitive and quick-to-use interface, simplifies the process for employees.

 Incident management through Hybo ensures a quick response to issues, improving operational efficiency and creating a smoother, more seamless working environment. The platform acts as an enabler, allowing employees to focus on their core tasks instead of dealing with workspace-related obstacles.

 Upcoming interface enhancements, including the ability to order takeaways and aesthetic optimisation, will contribute to a more pleasant and complete user experience. The intuitiveness and responsiveness of the improved interface not only make the platform easy to use, but also streamline daily operations, promoting a more positive and efficient working environment.

In short, Hybo presents itself as an integrated tool that not only meets the needs of today’s hybrid workplace, but also anticipates and meets the emerging demands of an ever-evolving work environment. 

Its ability to manage bookings, incidents, external visits and soon additional services, makes it a valuable ally for companies looking to maximise the benefits of hybrid working and improve the work experience of their employees. With Hybo, companies can move towards a more flexible, efficient and sustainable working future, offering employees a working environment that enhances their productivity and well-being.

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El trabajo híbrido clave para finanzas
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