New reporting on the occupation of spaces

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Repoting 2.0 Hybo

In order to provide you with an unbeatable experience in managing your workspaces, Hybo keeps working to bring you great updates and new features. We are excited to introduce our latest addition: we have improved our reports and reporting. In the Hybo admin panel, where you have full control of the platform, you will now have access to improved and updated reports through Powe BI. 

This enhancement is an important step in our commitment to provide detailed and relevant information about the utilisation of your workspaces. We give you a complete view of all bookings made, allowing you to make more informed decisions and optimise the management of your facilities.

Advantages of Hybo's new reports

Our new Power BI-enriched reports give you a new set of key benefits to get the most out of your workspaces:  


  1. Detailed hourly and daily booking data: with Hybo’s enhanced reports, you can get an in-depth understanding of the bookings made at your facilities. You will be able to see precisely when bookings are made throughout the day and week. This information is invaluable for planning and demand analysis.  


  1. Identifying the most in-demand sites: our reports will clearly show you which workspaces are the most in-demand. This will help you optimise resource allocation and make strategic decisions on how to manage and improve those spaces.


  1. Day of the week demand analysis: with detailed data on when bookings are made, you will be able to identify specific demand patterns by day of the week. This is essential for planning and will allow you to adapt your operations according to fluctuating demand.


  1. Check-in tracking: one of the most useful features of our new reports is check-in tracking. You will know exactly how many bookings resulted in users checking in and how many did not. This is essential to evaluate the efficiency and utilisation of your spaces.



  1. Visual information with graphs: reports now include enhanced visual graphs that allow you to interpret data more effectively. These graphs clearly and concisely represent information, making it easier to make informed decisions.


  1. Quick and easy access: Integration with Power BI ensures that you can access these reports quickly and easily from your Hybo dashboard. You won’t have to search or export data; all the information you’ll need is at your fingertips.


Hybo’s new enhanced reporting through Power BI is a powerful tool to maximise the efficiency and management of your workspaces. You’ll get detailed information on bookings made, hourly and daily demand, space popularity and check-in tracking. 


These reports will allow you to make more informed decisions, improve resource allocation and provide a more efficient service to your users. At Hybo we are committed to helping you take full control of your workspaces and giving you the tools you need to make informed decisions. Find out how our new reports can empower your facility management and take your Hybo experience to the next level!

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