Who is in the office?

Picture of Pol


Who is in the office?

The new hybo integration further enhances the user experience in workspaces. Now hybo lets you know who will be in the office depending on the day you want to make the reservation.

In this way, users will be able to choose the day based on the presence of their colleagues. An effective tool for users to select the day based on their work and social needs within the company.

Its use is very simple, in the same control panel, select the section Who is in the office? Once there, the date on which the reservation is to be made is chosen and then the people the user wants to find are written in the search engine.

Hybo automatically shows you whether you will be in the office, and if so, hybo will show you the desk your colleague has booked. In this way, the user can choose some desk near him.

All these tools further integrate the user experience, the main objective of hybo.

This new integration brings useful advantages in the management of your workspaces.

Your team will not have time to ask each colleague what day they will be in the office, they will be able to see it on our platform.

It improves the management of the space since user’s reserve tables and dining shifts based on their joint stay.

This integration is configurable according to the protocols and regulations of the companies, as well as the reservation data that is shown in each search.

Qui és a l'oficina?
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