How to make your flexible office work better in 2022?

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Cómo hacer que tu oficina flexible funcione mejor en 2022-min

How to make your flexible office work better in 2022?

Hybrid work is already a reality, although it is not yet widespread. Over the past 10-15 years there has been a sea change in employee needs ranging from flexible office space to the right to rest and privacy. Most companies are aware of the growing interest on the part of their employees in having workspace to be able to work at home or outside the building.

According to a report by the consulting firm PWC, 63% of employees would be willing to change jobs to have a flexible schedule.

To meet these needs, companies are turning to hybrid work solutions that allow their employees to work from anywhere. For this, companies must adapt and apply changes in their work processes, in the management of desks or parking lots with just a few clicks.


The goal is for flexible work to work better in 2022, so companies must:


  • Apply changes in their processes in working spaces and in the use of technologies. The space management solutions offer a global vision of the use of spaces in the company and allow to book meeting rooms, booking desks, booking parking spaces and manage the use of physical space in the company.

  • Provide good technological tools such as BYOD (an acronym in English that means «work with whatever you want» or Bring Your Own Device).

  • Manage flexible workspaces according to the employee’s needs, applying a flexible work model that makes sense and an internal policy that allows the best use and management of workspaces, establishing optimal hours for office activity.

  • Install an effective physical and logical security system for personal or confidential customer data hosted on corporate servers (workstations).

  • Implement a new model for the design of spaces and management of business offices in accordance with the furniture, detailing the necessary benefits for each area with the electrical configuration based on the different elements installed (cabinets, computer devices, etc.)

  • Adaptability and design of mobile spaces for homeless offices are two essential tools to facilitate this new way of office living.

  • Integrate home automation devices that allow, from a technological point of view, to manage the spaces and the integration of the employees in it, always observing the occupation of the spaces

Companies that want to compete in this market must offer solutions for the intelligent management of spaces. Flexibility is an increasingly demanded feature in the labor market. According to recent studies, people will work in 2022 from home or from their own office. That is why it is necessary for companies to adapt to this new reality and offer solutions so that hybrid work works better.

  • Offer the necessary support to employees so that they can work from any space and at any time of the day.
  • Manage the job offer according to the real availability of human resources, thus improving their effectiveness by adapting to their personal rhythms.
  • Integrate a single space management software that manages all functionalities, services, or incidents. That allows to unify diversified data from different sources such as: the human resources department, the Facilities and Maintenance department or the catering service of the meeting rooms.

The main reason why many companies are betting on these types of spaces is because they allow them to improve the productivity and performance of their employees.

66% of Spanish companies plan to implement flexible work models in 2022.

But how do you make your flexible office work?

New technologies allow companies to make their workspace more flexible without having to invest large sums of money. The key is in the correct management of resources through specialized software in this area. Thanks to them, we can find space management software like Hybo.

For example, this program will tell us which spaces we are working on, and which ones are still free. In this way, we can better manage our day to day and get more out of the little space we have.

With Hybo you can book your worktable or schedule your bookings based on the days you have face-to-face work.

Companies must bet on solutions that adapt to their operating system. In addition, with Hybo we can have an agile system that will allow us to access our information from anywhere.

Likewise, with Hybo it is possible to book rooms online or choose them directly from your smartphone, desktop, and tablets. This makes working in today’s corporate space much more flexible and easier. With the same application you will be able to convene virtual meetings through video calls.

With Hybo’s own management, we can prevent our employees from wasting time looking for parking and offer them the possibility of booking their space easily.

In addition, thanks to the implementation of roles and permissions, Hybo prevents someone from taking away your position while you are away from work, since it will be impossible for the rest to know which is assigned to each person / company.

Finally, managing visits through our software is a simple and fast way to know who is in the office. In this way we can better organize the space and avoid inconvenience to employees.

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