What is outsourcing and what is it for?

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Servicios externos en oficina

Outsourcing, or subcontracting, is a business strategy in which a company delegates certain functions or processes to specialized external providers. This method allows companies to focus on their core competencies while relying on third parties to manage secondary but necessary activities. Outsourcing is a management tool that helps organizations improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and access advanced technologies and skills.

The main objective of outsourcing is to optimize internal resources and improve the overall performance of the company. By outsourcing certain functions, companies can benefit from the expertise and specialization of external providers, who often possess deeper and more up-to-date knowledge in their respective areas.

Types of outsourcing

Outsourcing can be classified into different types, each with specific characteristics and applications:



Tactical outsourcing focuses on the externalization of specific operational tasks, generally in the short term. This type of outsourcing is used to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs in non-strategic areas of the company. Common examples include cleaning services, maintenance, technical support, and customer service. The main advantage of tactical outsourcing is that it allows the company to save immediate costs without compromising its core business.


Strategic outsourcing involves the long-term externalization of critical functions that align with the company’s strategic objectives. This type of outsourcing seeks not only cost reduction but also to generate added value and a sustainable competitive advantage. Examples include outsourcing IT functions, software development, marketing, and research and development. Strategic outsourcing enables companies to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving technological and market environment.


Co-sourcing is a collaborative form of outsourcing where the company and the external provider work together in managing certain processes. This collaboration allows sharing risks and benefits, combining resources and knowledge to achieve common goals. An example could be collaboration in research and development projects where both parties contribute resources and expertise. Co-sourcing is particularly useful in complex projects that require a combination of internal and external skills.

In House

In-house outsourcing involves the external provider managing certain processes or functions within the company’s premises. This model allows greater control and supervision of the subcontracted activities, ensuring smoother integration with the company’s internal operations. A typical example is the management of IT services or human resources within the company’s offices. In-house outsourcing offers the advantage of maintaining direct control over processes while benefiting from the external provider’s specialization.

Characteristics of Outsourcing

Outsourcing has several key characteristics that make it attractive to companies:


  • Cost Reduction: by externalizing functions, companies can reduce operational and personnel expenses, including savings on salaries, benefits, and training costs.
  • Access to Specialized Skills: allows companies to access advanced knowledge and technologies they do not possess internally. External providers are usually up to date with the latest trends and best practices in their fields.

  • Focus on Core Competencies: frees up internal resources to focus on the company’s main activities, improving efficiency and effectiveness in those areas.

  • Flexibility: facilitates adaptation to changes in demand and the business environment, allowing companies to scale operations up or down as needed.

  • Improved Quality: specialized providers often offer a higher level of quality in their services, which can translate into better results and greater customer satisfaction.

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Objectives of outsourcing

The main objective of outsourcing is to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of the company by externalizing non-essential functions. Other objectives include:

  • Resource Optimization: Use resources more efficiently by allocating time and effort to strategic activities instead of operational tasks.

  • Innovation: Access new technologies and methods that the external provider can offer, keeping the company at the forefront of the industry.

  • Operational Flexibility: Adapt quickly to market changes, such as fluctuations in demand or new regulations, without the need for significant investments in infrastructure or personnel.

  • Risk Reduction: Share and mitigate risks with the external provider, especially in areas like information security and regulatory compliance.

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Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing

Advantages of outsourcing

  • Cost Reduction: outsourcing decreases operational and personnel expenses, allowing companies to invest in other strategic areas.

  • Access to Experts: provides access to advanced knowledge and technologies without the need for internal training.

  • Flexibility: facilitates adaptation to changes in demand, allowing companies to scale operations quickly.

  • Focus on Core Activities: frees up internal resources to focus on the company’s essential competencies.

  • Improved Quality: specialized providers often offer a higher level of quality in their services, which can result in better outcomes and greater customer satisfaction.

  • Continuous Innovation: external providers are often more up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, allowing companies to benefit from these innovations without making significant investments.

Disadvantages of outsourcing

  • Loss of Control: outsourcing functions can lead to less supervision of processes and outcomes.

  • Dependence on Providers: the company may become dependent on third parties for critical functions, which can be risky if the provider does not meet expectations.

  • Security Risk: sharing confidential information with external providers can increase security and data protection risks.

  • Communication Problems: cultural and language differences can hinder effective collaboration and cause misunderstandings.

  • Hidden Costs: although outsourcing can reduce costs in the short term, additional costs related to managing and coordinating external providers may arise.

  • Impact on Employee Morale: outsourcing functions can affect the morale of internal employees, who may feel job insecurity or lack of recognition.

How to apply outsourcing in your company

To apply outsourcing effectively in your company, follow these steps:

  1. Identify Functions to Outsource: evaluate which areas of your company can benefit most from outsourcing, considering both cost and impact on efficiency.

  2. Select Suitable Providers: look for providers with relevant experience and capabilities, and conduct a thorough evaluation to ensure they meet quality and security standards.

  3. Establish Clear Agreements: clearly define terms, expectations, and performance metrics in the contracts, ensuring that both parties understand their responsibilities.

  4. Monitor and Evaluate: continuously monitor the provider’s performance using key performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure quality and compliance with agreements.

  5. Adapt and Improve: use feedback and collected data to adjust and improve the outsourcing process, ensuring it remains aligned with the company’s strategic goals.

El outsourcing in the digital era

In the digital era, outsourcing has become even more relevant thanks to technology and global connectivity. Companies can now access a wide range of services and talents worldwide, facilitating the management and optimization of their processes. Digitalization also enables better communication and collaboration with external providers, improving the efficiency and quality of outsourced services.

Technology has transformed how companies operate and manage their processes. Digital platforms, online collaboration tools, and integrated management systems allow for more effective coordination between companies and their outsourcing providers. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also facilitates innovation and adaptation to rapid market changes.


Outsourcing is an effective strategy to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and access specialized skills. Implementing a well-planned outsourcing strategy can transform your company, allowing you to focus on your core competencies and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.

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