TV3 report on Cellnex and Hybo

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El canal TV3 visitó las oficinas de Cellnex para ofrecer a la audiencia una visión exclusiva de cómo Hybo, nuestro software de gestión y reserva de espacios de trabajo basado en SaaS, ayuda a transformar la experiencia laboral.

Hybo and Cellnex together in a TV3 report

Exciting news for Hybo! This week, TV3 visited the offices of Cellnex to offer the audience an exclusive view of how Hybo, our SaaS-based workspace management and reservation software, helps transform the work experience.


Cellnex has successfully implemented various Hybo modules to enhance efficiency in its work environment. From desk management and reservations to tracking incidents in different areas such as the cafeteria, printer, and workstations, Hybo has been seamlessly integrated into Cellnex’s daily operations.


The highlight of the TV3 report was the focus on the workspace experience, showcasing the signage screen at the entrance with a detailed map of the offices and real-time desk availability. This innovative approach allows employees to book their workspace the moment they enter the building, optimizing efficiency and enhancing the work experience.


We want to express our gratitude to TV3 and Valor Afegit for highlighting the Hybo story and showing the Catalan audience how we are adapting workspaces to new needs. The TV coverage not only showcases the functionality of Hybo but also serves as a testament to our commitment to excellence in workspace management and the efforts of companies like Cellnex to provide workspaces that bring new experiences.


A big thank you to Cellnex, a key collaborator that has allowed us to use their facilities as a model for the report. Their real success case demonstrates how Hybo can help workplace professionals manage their distinctive projects.


At Hybo, we are thrilled to see how our innovative approach to workspace management is making an impact and transforming how companies like Cellnex operate. We are committed to continuing to provide cutting-edge solutions and enhancing the work experience for all our clients.

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Reportatge de TV3 a Cellnex i Hybo
Reportaje de TV3 a Cellnex y Hybo
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