Signage screens

Picture of Pol


Signage screens for offices

Within the office, the availability of space is constantly changing, and this can lead to a loss of time for the employee in the search for free areas. This factor can generate even more confusion in unknown environments, but Hybo has integrated signalling screens in real time.


The objective of the signalling screens is to visualize in real time the occupation status of the floor. The screens show the reserved and free workspaces, in addition, the occupied or available meeting rooms are also shown.


This intuitive solution allows all staff to quickly find a workspace or meeting room without having to physically check availability. Its installation is carried out at the entrances, in this way the user only must observe and find an available space.

This new integration brings useful advantages in the management of your workspaces.

This simple tool has beneficial advantages in managing your workspaces.


Your team will not have to look for the space physically, just by looking at the screen they will be able to locate free areas to occupy them.


You will be able to show your available desks and meeting rooms in real time, constantly updating their status and showing all the availability of areas by floor.


With just one screen, you can show your available workspaces on several floors to your team, thus optimizing the use of the office and making its occupation more flexible.


At the time that the Check-out of any reservation is made, on the signaling screen that area will be automatically free to be occupied, in the same way, if the Check-in of a reservation is not carried out after a reasonable time, Hybo will free up the area to be available on the screen.


It is completely customizable to your regulations and corporate brand. Furthermore, this solution can implement and manage a global network.

Pantalles de senyalització
Pantallas de señalización
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