Shift or hourly bookings

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Reservas por turnos o por horas

If you are thinking of contracting the parking or desk module with Hybo, you should read this to find out about the latest novelty we are bringing. We have included in our software the possibility of booking your parking space and/or your desk by the hour. 

With this new feature, the client has to indicate that he wants his users to be able to book by hours instead of by shifts, as it was only done until now. That is to say, when you go to contract either of these or the two modules, you will have to say whether you want to make the contract by shifts or by hours because, once you have selected one of the two options, this is the one that will always appear in your software. There will be no going back.

This addition represents a step forward in the flexibility we offer our customers. This new functionality adapts to a variety of business needs, allowing you to further customise the workspace booking experience. It has numerous advantages.

Benefits of Hybo’s hourly bookings

The incorporation of hourly booking into our software opens up a range of possibilities for businesses of all sizes and sectors.  


  1. Greater flexibility for your users: hourly booking gives your users unprecedented flexibility. They are no longer limited to booking workspaces in fixed blocks of time. They can choose the exact duration they need, which suits their specific schedules and needs. This flexibility is especially valuable for those who only want a space for a short period, optimising resource utilisation.


  1. Capacity optimisation: with hourly booking, you can further optimise the capacity of your workspaces. Instead of limiting bookings to full shifts, you can make the most of each space by allowing multiple users to book in a single day. This can increase the utilisation rate of your facilities and maximise your return on investment.



  1. Greater control and customisation: one of the key benefits of this new feature is the control it gives managers. By selecting hourly or shift booking when contracting the parking or desk module, you can tailor the software to your exact needs. This selection is irreversible once selected, ensuring that the system is tailored precisely to your operating model.


  1. Suitable for different scenarios: hourly booking is particularly suitable for situations where flexibility is essential. For example, in coworking environments where users may vary in their arrival and departure times, hourly booking becomes an essential tool. It is also useful for companies that want to offer their employees the possibility to book workspaces according to their specific time needs.


  1. Facilitates short-term planning: for activities or meetings that arise spontaneously or for short-term needs, hourly booking is a perfect solution. Your users can access Hybo’s software and find real-time availability, making it easy to plan last-minute and adapt to changing business demands.


  1. More efficient use of space: hourly booking also contributes to better utilisation of resources. You can avoid spaces being empty for long periods by allowing other users to book them by the hour when they are not in use. This can help reduce costs and increase operational efficiency.


In conclusion, the ability to book by the hour is a great addition at Hybo. We offer our customers unprecedented flexibility to tailor the system to their specific operational needs. Whether you need to book workspaces on an hourly or shift basis, Hybo is designed to provide the best possible booking experience.


This new feature allows you to optimise the capacity of your facilities, increase space efficiency and offer your users a highly personalised booking experience. At Hybo, we are committed to helping you optimise the management of your workspaces and adapt to changing business demands. No matter what your operating model, your space management will be more versatile and efficient thanks to Hybo.

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Reserves per torns o per hores
Reserva por turnos o por horas
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