Hybrid work and family in Spain: the new Royal Decree-Law 5/2023 that allows to combine the two.

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Trabajo híbrido y familia en España

Hybrid work has found an ally in Spain: the new Royal Decree-Law 5/2023. This recently implemented law, among other things, states that people who have children to care for may request an adaptation of the working day in their jobs.


 Hybrid work, which is the combination of remote and face-to-face work, helps to reconcile work and the employee’s personal and family life; all this thanks to the fact that no time is lost in commuting. This law removes age limits for children who can be cared for and extends it beyond the age of 12. 


 It is not only aimed at children. People who have a dependent relative in their care can also benefit from this law: common-law partner or spouse, relatives by blood up to the second degree, other dependents who can prove that they live in the same home as the employee requesting the adaptation…


The new regulation includes new work permits and provides for specific permits for family emergencies, with elderly or dependent persons living in the same household. In these cases, remote or hybrid working will be possible. This new law includes protection for employees who request this adaptation, with the dismissal of employees in these cases being considered null and void.


 Royal Decree-Law 5/2023 and the hybrid work trend are working together to change the way we think about work and personal life. This new regulation in Spain not only helps parents and carers to find a balance, but also recognises the importance of supporting employees in situations of family urgency.


 As we move towards a more flexible and empathetic working world, these measures are a step in the right direction, providing welcome relief to people who strive to be both exemplary employees and dedicated carers.

Benefits for the company:

The implementation of Royal Decree-Law 5/2023 in Spain, which endorses hybrid work and allows for adaptations in working hours for employees who have children or dependents in their care, offers several significant benefits for companies:


  1. Improved talent retention: allowing employees to adapt their work schedules to care for loved ones can increase loyalty to the company. Workers will value the flexibility and support provided by the company, which reduces turnover and the costs associated with hiring and training new employees.


  1. Increased employee morale and satisfaction: employees who feel supported in their family responsibilities tend to be more satisfied with their jobs. This can improve their morale, engagement and productivity at work.


  1. Reduced stress and burnout: enabling employees to manage their family responsibilities more effectively reduces stress and burnout related to work-life balance. More relaxed and less stressed employees are more productive and less likely to suffer from stress-related health problems.


  1. Increased productivity: hybrid work, by eliminating or reducing commute times, allows employees to make better use of their time and focus on their tasks. This can result in increased productivity, as they can use their time more efficiently.


  1. Flexibility in emergency situations: the ability to allow employees to work remotely or hybrid in emergency family situations, such as caring for the elderly or dependents, contributes to work continuity at critical times.


  1. Increased workforce diversity: flexibility in adapting the workday can attract a more diverse group of employees, which can improve workplace diversity and foster an inclusive culture, which is beneficial to the company in terms of creativity and decision making.


  1. Reduced operating costs: by allowing employees to work remotely, companies can reduce the operating costs associated with operating full-time offices, such as space rental and utility expenses.


  1. Strengthening the company’s image: showing support for employees’ family care needs demonstrates a commitment to employee welfare. This can enhance the company’s reputation and its attractiveness to customers and business partners.

Employee benefits:

  1. Improved work-life balance: this legislation allows employees to more effectively manage their family responsibilities, allowing them to spend quality time with loved ones without neglecting their work responsibilities.


  1. Reduced commuting time: by eliminating the need for commuting, hybrid work saves time and expenses associated with transportation, which translates into more free time and less stress related to traffic and commuting.


  1. Greater flexibility: employees can adapt their work schedules according to their personal and family needs, giving them greater control over their work and personal lives.


  1. Greater job security: Royal Decree-Law 5/2023 includes protections for employees who request adaptations to their working hours, which means that they cannot be dismissed for making use of these rights in family care situations. This provides greater job security.


  1. Less stress and burnout: By being able to manage family responsibilities more effectively, employees may experience less stress and burnout, which can have a positive impact on their physical and mental health.


  1. Improved job satisfaction: flexibility and support from the company in family care situations can improve employees’ job satisfaction. Employees who feel supported by their employer tend to be happier at work.


  1. Improved quality of life: improved work-life balance and reduced commuting time allow employees to enjoy a higher overall quality of life, which can lead to a longer-lasting sense of well-being.


  1. Support in family emergency situations: the ability to work remotely or hybrid work in family emergency situations, such as caring for the elderly or dependents, gives employees the flexibility to attend to their family responsibilities at critical times.


  1. Increased ability to care for the family: by eliminating age limits for children who can be cared for, this legislation allows employees to care for older children or dependent family members more effectively, reducing the burden of care on families.


In summary, Royal Decree-Law 5/2023 in Spain represents significant progress towards a healthier work-life balance. It benefits both companies and employees by promoting work flexibility, improving employee satisfaction and well-being, and strengthening talent retention. This legislation reflects a commitment to a more empathetic and adaptable work environment in an ever-changing world.

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Feina híbrida i vida familiar a Espanya: el nou Reial Decret-llei 5/2023 que permet compaginar-ho
Trabajo híbrido y familia en España: el nuevo Real Decreto-ley 5/2023 que permite compaginarlo
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