Hybo arrives in Brazil thanks to Software.com.br

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Hybo llega a Brasil gracias a Software.com.br

Software.com.br, Hybo’s new reseller partner

The business world is constantly evolving, and at Hybo we are committed to staying at the forefront of innovation in space management. Today, we are delighted to announce a new strategic partnership that will mark a milestone in our growth and expansion: Software.com.br joins us as our first reseller partner in Brazil.  

Software.com.br is a software company with a solid track record in the Latin American market. With operations in Brazil, Mexico and Colombia, as well as a branch in the US, they have been pioneers in the region for more than two decades. Their experience and reputation in the market make them the perfect partner for synergies in the dynamic Brazilian market.  

 Since its founding in 2007, Software.com.br has established itself as the leading technology specialist in Latin America. With an extensive portfolio spanning more than 10,000 manufacturers and over 1,000,000 software titles in a variety of categories, they are perfectly positioned to meet the needs of more than 5,000 customers in the region.  

 In addition to its impressive product portfolio, Software.com.br offers a range of professional services including consulting, training, cloud services and more. Their highly qualified team is committed to providing complete and customised solutions to their clients, making them an ideal partner with extensive knowledge and experience in the Brazilian market.  

We look forward to working together to make the most of the opportunities that can be generated and provide innovative space management solutions to companies across the region.   

 At Hybo, our goal is to provide the best possible experience for our customers, and this partnership with Software.com.br brings us one step closer to that goal. We are excited to begin this new phase of growth and success together.  


About Hybo:  

Hybo is the only space management software where you can make SaaS-based reservations for desks, meeting rooms, canteen shifts or parking reservations.  


About Software.com.br:  

Since its founding in 2007, Software.com.br has established itself as the leading technology specialist in Latin America, with operations in Brazil, Mexico and Colombia, as well as a branch in the U.S. With more than 20 years of experience in the market, they have a broad portfolio of products and services to meet the needs of their more than 5,000 customers in the region. 

How do our clients benefit?

  1. Access to a wide range of products and services: as Hybo resellers, Software.com.br offers its customers access to our space management platform, which includes advanced features for booking desks, meeting rooms, canteen shifts and more. This expands the options available to Brazilian companies looking to optimise the use of their space and resources.
  2. Experience and local market knowledge: Software.com.br has more than 20 years of experience in the Latin American market, which gives them a deep understanding of the specific needs and challenges of companies in Brazil and other Latin American countries. By partnering with us, our customers can benefit from their experience and expert advice to implement space management solutions that perfectly fit their business needs and objectives. 
  3. Specialised technical support and professional services: in addition to offering our space management platform, Software.com.br provides a range of professional services, including consulting, training, cloud services and more. This ensures that our customers receive the technical support and assistance needed to effectively implement and utilise our space management solution in their organisations. 
  4. Continuous innovation and regular updates: as part of our partnership with Software.com.br, we are committed to continuing to innovate and improve our space management platform to meet the changing needs of the market.  This means that our customers can expect to receive regular updates and new features that further enhance their experience and productivity.




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Hybo llega a Brasil gracias a Software.com.br
Hybo arriba al Brasil gràcies a Software.com.br.
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