Hybo and Servex Colombia transform offices

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Hybo y Servex Colombia se unen para transformar los espacios de trabajo

Hybo and Servex Colombia team up to transform workspaces

In a world where flexibility and adaptability are key to business success, efficient workspace management becomes an undisputed priority. That’s why we are excited to announce the partnership between Hybo and Servex Colombia, two leaders in their respective fields, joining forces to offer comprehensive and cutting-edge workspace design and management solutions.  


Hybo is much more than a workspace management and booking platform. It is a comprehensive tool that enables organisations to transform their offices into flexible and adaptive environments for both face-to-face and hybrid work. Operating in real-time and cloud-based, Hybo simplifies the booking of workspaces, desks, meeting rooms, canteen shifts, parking spaces, and more. It also facilitates the management and monitoring of incidents in facilities and equipment, as well as the management of external visits.  


Servex Colombia is a benchmark in the design and interior architecture of workspaces, with over 20 years’ experience in furniture development and space automation, Servex Colombia has carried out more than 1,500 projects, providing comprehensive solutions to renowned companies such as Visa, Unilever, Avianca, BBVA, Toyota, and many more. Its mission to transform workspaces into unique and strategic places is reflected in its vision to become the leading corporate interior architecture firm in Colombia by 2025.  


The union between Hybo and Servex Colombia represents a perfect synergy. While Servex Colombia specialises in the design and execution of smart office projects, Hybo offers a comprehensive solution for the efficient management of these spaces. Working from conception to project execution, Servex Colombia and Hybo are able to offer their clients a complete and personalised experience that is tailored to the specific needs of each organisation. 


The union between Hybo and Servex Colombia represents a step forward in the transformation of workspaces into flexible, adaptive and strategic environments. With a shared vision to offer comprehensive and cutting-edge solutions, we are confident that together we will achieve great things. We are excited about what the future holds and look forward to continuing to innovate and grow together on this exciting journey into the future of work. 



Benefits for our clients

The synergy between Hybo and Servex Colombia offers a number of significant benefits for customers that go beyond what the two companies could provide separately. Here are some of the main benefits customers can expect:  



  1. Comprehensive and customised solutions: the combination of Servex Colombia’s interior design and architecture expertise with Hybo’s advanced workspace management technology allows us to offer complete solutions tailored to each client’s specific needs. From conceptualisation to execution, clients can benefit from a comprehensive approach that guarantees optimal results aligned with their objectives.


  1. Space utilisation optimisation: with Hybo, customers can efficiently manage the booking and utilisation of workspaces, from desks to meeting rooms. This optimisation of space utilisation allows companies to maximise efficiency and make the most of their resources, which can result in significant cost savings in the long term.


  1. Increased flexibility and adaptability: in an increasingly changing and dynamic work environment, the ability to adapt quickly to new needs and circumstances is critical. The combination of Hybo and Servex Colombia enables clients to create flexible and adaptable work environments that can easily adjust to changes in demand, whether due to unexpected events or changes in employee preferences.


  1. Improved employee experience: by offering a more organised, efficient and tailored work environment, the synergy between Hybo and Servex Colombia can significantly improve the employee experience. Employees will benefit from increased comfort, easier access to resources and greater overall satisfaction in their workplace. 


  1. Transparency and visibility: Hybo provides customers with greater visibility and transparency in the management of their workspaces. With features such as real-time tracking of bookings and space usage, customers can make informed decisions based on hard data, allowing them to further optimise their operations and resources.


  1. Access to combined expertise: by collaborating with Hybo and Servex Colombia, clients have access to a diversified team of experts in space management technology and interior design. This combination of experience and knowledge can help clients address complex challenges more effectively and maximise opportunities for improvement in their workspaces. 


In short, the synergy between Hybo and Servex Colombia offers clients a range of benefits from more comprehensive and customised solutions to greater operational efficiency and improved employee experience. This collaboration represents a unique opportunity for companies to transform their workspaces and improve their competitiveness in a constantly evolving business environment. 



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Hybo i Server Colombia transformen oficines
Hybo y Servex Colombia transforman oficinas
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