Hybo and MURC, transforming workspace management

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Hybo and MURC, transforming workspace management and technology

In the dynamic landscape of technology and digital transformation, every strategic partnership is a gateway to new opportunities and breakthroughs. That’s why we at Hybo are excited to announce our partnership with MURC, a leading Uruguayan IT consulting company and part of a group with presence in Argentina and Mexico. 


This exciting move establishes MURC as our first reseller partner in Uruguay, and opens a new chapter in the way we approach IT security, cybersecurity and workspace management in the region.


MURC is an established company in the Uruguayan technology landscape, having earned a solid reputation in IT security and cybersecurity services as a benchmark in advanced technology solutions.


Our new partner’s specialisation in IT security and cybersecurity has been key to its success in a business environment where data protection and cyber-attack prevention are a priority. Its proactive approach and ability to offer tailor-made solutions has generated confidence in a diverse and prestigious clientele.

Hybo in MURC’s solutions portfolio

From now on, Hybo joins MURC’s portfolio of solutions, marking a significant milestone in our expansion in Uruguay and the region. This strategic move allows MURC to offer a leading workspace management tool such as Hybo, which allows for diversification and expansion in terms of its SaaS solutions portfolio. This partnership gives both companies the opportunity to grow in different markets and work with new clients, contributing to their operational efficiency and security in their workspaces.

Key benefits of this partnership

  1. Expanded customer solutions: the addition of Hybo to MURC’s solutions portfolio translates to a significant expansion of the options available to MURC’s customers. In addition to IT security and cybersecurity services, as well as other SaaS solutions, customers can now take advantage of Hybo’s advanced workspace management tools.


  1. Combining expertise for complex solutions: the collaboration between MURC and Hybo is not only about expanding options for customers, but also about combining expertise. MURC’s IT security and cyber security expertise and experience in the region is coupled with Hybo’s operational efficiency to address not only technological challenges, but also workspace optimisation.


  1. Geographic expansion and regional reach: MURC’s presence in Uruguay, Argentina and Mexico and Hybo’s presence and validation as a solution in the Latin American region, strengthens the geographic expansion of both companies, addressing the needs of local and multinational companies and contributing to the sustainable growth of both companies.


Quality technical support and personal attention: both MURC and Hybo stand out for their personal attention and quality technical service. This partnership ensures that customers receive exceptional support. Individual attention is essential in the implementation and maintenance of technology solutions, and MURC brings its expertise to ensure the continued success of implemented solutions.

Emerging opportunities: a technological present and future

  • Innovation players in the Uruguayan business ecosystem: the collaboration between Hybo and MURC not only has commercial implications; it also involves participation in the business innovation system in Uruguay. As the two companies work together to offer cutting-edge solutions, they contribute to the growth of the Uruguayan technology ecosystem.


  • Development of local technological competences: the collaboration provides opportunities for knowledge sharing and the development of technological competences of both companies by bringing together the international and local expertise of MURC and an innovative solution such as Hybo.


The partnership between Hybo and MURC is more than a business alliance. We are excited to be part of the technology ecosystem in the region, together with a partner like MURC.


The road ahead is exciting and together we are ready to face it. Keep up to date with the latest news and developments from this and future collaborations on our blog and social media – together we are building a technologically advanced future full of possibilities!

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Hybo i MURC, transformant la tecnologia
Hybo y MURC, transformando la tecnología
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