How to optimise workspaces

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Claves para optimizar los espacios de trabajo de tu empresa

Keys to optimising your company’s workspaces

Many organisations encounter problems when it comes to managing their workspaces. These problems can have many negative consequences that can affect both the employee’s day-to-day experience and the organisation itself. These consequences can manifest themselves in many ways and have a significant impact on productivity, operational efficiency and job satisfaction. Here are some of the consequences of this problem:  


  • Decreased productivity: when employees cannot easily access the workspaces they need, either due to underutilisation, oversubscription or lack of flexibility, their productivity can suffer. Difficulty in finding an available desk or meeting room can lead to delays in tasks and reduced work efficiency.  


  • Frustration and demotivation: problems with workspace management can lead to frustration and demotivation among employees. Inability to reserve spaces when needed or lack of comfort and privacy can negatively affect the work experience and lower team morale.  


  • Difficulties in collaboration: inadequate layout of workspaces can hinder collaboration across teams and departments. If there are not enough designated spaces for meetings or teamwork, employees may find it difficult to collaborate effectively, which can hinder innovation and the exchange of ideas.   


  • Increased operating costs: underutilisation of workspaces can result in wasted resources and increase the organisation’s operating costs. Empty or underutilised spaces represent a significant financial cost in terms of rent, maintenance and associated services.  


  • Impact on company image: poor workspace management can have a negative impact on a company’s image and reputation. Employees and visitors may perceive the organisation as disorganised or unprofessional if workspaces are not well maintained or managed effectively.  


  • Health and safety risks: lack of proper maintenance of workspaces can pose health and safety risks to employees. For example, if maintenance or repair requests are not properly managed, problems such as water leaks, electrical problems or ergonomic hazards can arise, which can jeopardise the safety and well-being of employees.  


  • Difficulties in talent retention: poor workspace management can affect employees’ job satisfaction and, as a result, make it difficult to retain talent. Employees who are frustrated or dissatisfied with their work environment may seek employment opportunities in other organisations that offer better conditions and a more favourable environment.  


However, there are some solutions that can help to reduce the impact of these consequences until they disappear and the problem ends: 


Optimisation of workspaces:  


  • Implement a flexible and centralised booking and allocation system.  


  • Use data analysis tools to identify areas of underutilisation and improve space allocation.  


  • Use Hybo to manage and book workspaces efficiently, maximising the use of available facilities and resources.  


Flexibility in space booking:   


  • Offer online and mobile booking spaces to facilitate access to workspaces.  


  • Allow last minute bookings and flexible changes to existing bookings.  


  • Hybo offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface that allows employees to book workspaces in a flexible and convenient way, adapting to their changing needs. 


Improve the employee experience:  


  • Keep workspaces clean, computerised and well maintained.  


  • Provide additional amenities such as break areas, cafeterias and green spaces.  


  • Hybo contributes to improving the employee experience by providing a comfortable, safe and well-managed work environment, facilitating space reservation and ensuring proper maintenance of facilities.  


Facilitating collaboration:  


  • Design collaborative spaces with appropriate technology and flexible furniture.  


  • Encourage informal meetings and team building activities.  


  • Hybo facilitates team collaboration by providing tools to book meeting rooms and other collaborative spaces quickly and easily, promoting interaction and the exchange of ideas.  


Reducing operational costs:  


  • Implement energy and resource saving measures in workspaces.  


  • Use facility management solutions to optimise maintenance and cleaning. 


  • Hybo helps reduce operational costs by optimising the use of workspaces and facilitating the efficient management of bookings and allocations, thus minimising wasted resources and unnecessary expenses. 


Improve transparency and visibility:  


  • Implement systems to track and monitor space bookings and occupancy.  


  • Provide regular reporting and analysis of workspace usage.  


  • Hybo provides organisations with greater transparency and visibility into the use of their workspaces, enabling them to identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions to optimise resource allocation.  


How Hybo helps you

Software like Hybo plays a key role in optimising workspace management in a variety of ways. Here are some of the key contributions of Hybo and similar software:  




  1. Centralisation of information: Hybo centralises all relevant workspace information on a single, accessible platform. This includes data on space availability, existing bookings, desk and meeting room assignments, as well as information on external visitors and maintenance requests. By having all this information centralised, managers can easily access the data needed to make informed decisions about workspace management. 


  1. Facilitating bookings: Hybo simplifies the workspace booking process by offering an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Employees can check space availability in real time and make reservations with just a few clicks. This ease of use makes employees more likely to use the booking system, reducing the likelihood of scheduling conflicts and maximising utilisation of available spaces. 


  1. Optimising space utilisation: by analysing space utilisation data, Hybo helps organisations identify areas of under- and over-utilisation. This allows managers to take action to optimise space utilisation, redistributing resources as necessary to meet demand and minimise wasted resources. 


  1. Proactive incident management: Hybo enables organisations to proactively manage workspace-related incidents, such as maintenance issues or repair requests. Employees can report issues through the platform, and administrators can efficiently assign and track requests to ensure fast and effective resolution of issues. 


  1. Analytics and reporting: Hybo offers analytics and reporting tools that enable organisations to assess workspace utilisation and track trends over time. This provides valuable information for making strategic space management decisions, such as planning for expansion or reduction of facilities, optimising space allocation and identifying areas for improvement in operational efficiency.


In short, software such as Hybo contributes significantly to the optimisation of workspace management by centralising information, facilitating bookings, optimising space utilisation, proactively managing incidents and providing analysis and reporting tools. By improving operational efficiency, maximising resource utilisation and enhancing the user experience, Hybo helps organisations create more efficient, productive and engaging work environments for employees and visitors. 




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Com optimitzar els espais de treball
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