Bloock and Hybo join forces

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. La integración de Bloock con Hybo brinda un valor añadido a nuestros clientes corporativos

Bloock and Hybo team up to bring data security to your workspaces

In today’s business world, data transparency and legality are paramount. Businesses are constantly looking for ways to protect and legally validate the information they generate in their day-to-day operations. This becomes especially critical in situations such as workspace management, where data accuracy and integrity are essential.


That’s why we are pleased to announce our partnership with Bloock, a blockchain specialist whose mission is to verify data and provide it with legal validity. Bloock’s integration with Hybo brings added value to our corporate customers by offering a solution that legalises the data generated in workspace management, which is essential to avoid any potential conflicts in the future.


Bloock is a company specialising in blockchain technology that has focused on verifying data to make it legally valid, certifying that the data is accurate and has not been altered. This has multiple applications across a wide range of industries and, in particular, in workspace management.

Benefits of this union

The collaboration between Hybo and Bloock offers a number of significant benefits for corporate clients seeking greater transparency and legality in the management of their workspaces. Some of the key benefits include:


  • Real-time data validation: with Bloock’s integration, data generated in workspace management is stored on blockchain, ensuring its integrity and authenticity in real-time. This allows companies to have full confidence in the accuracy of their data, avoiding future disputes.


  • Avoid costly litigation: by having legally valid evidence of all data related to workspace management, companies can avoid costly litigation and disputes. In the event of a dispute, they can rely on the records as irrefutable proof of data accuracy.


  • Transparent bookings and reservations: transparency in the booking and reservation of workspaces is essential to maintain a harmonious relationship with employees and avoid misunderstandings. Bloock validation ensures that all data is available and legalised for all parties involved.


  • Regulatory compliance: In many industries, compliance with specific regulations is a necessity. Data validation through Bloock can help companies meet regulatory requirements by providing robust and legally valid evidence of their operations.


  • Increased confidence: transparency and data integrity are key components to generate. Companies using the joint Hybo and Bloock solution can demonstrate their commitment to transparency, which can improve relationships within the company.


  • Facilitates internal conflict resolution: in business environments, internal conflicts can arise from misunderstandings related to the use of workspaces. Bloock’s data validation facilitates the resolution of these conflicts in a fair and transparent manner.


  • Promotes a culture of transparency: business culture is increasingly focused on transparency and accountability. Integrating Bloock promotes a culture of transparency in workspaces, which can benefit the business as a whole.


In conclusion, this collaboration responds to a growing need in the business world: the ability to validate and give legality to the data generated in the management of corporate workspaces.


By offering this solution, Hybo and Bloock are teaming up to provide companies with a powerful tool to avoid litigation, improve employee confidence and promote a culture of transparency and accountability. Together, we are transforming the way companies manage their workspaces by offering a solution that makes a difference in the world of corporate governance.

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