FootAnalytics and Hybo join forces as partners

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 With great news, Hybo and FootAnalytics announce that we have joined forces to take workspace management to a whole new level. Our partnership with FootAnalytics, a Barcelona-based company, has resulted in a strategic alliance that will benefit our customers in a significant way.

Hybo is a space management software where you can book desks, meeting rooms, canteen shifts or parking booking, among many other options: manage incidents, create external visits… In addition, its unique interface is customisable, easy, intuitive and quick to use.

For its part, FootAnalytics is an innovative company that has stood out for its iKnos Corporate solution, a tool that has revolutionised the way in which the use of workspaces is monitored and managed in real time. This platform uses occupancy and presence data to drive actions that improve safety, maintenance and communications in work environments. In addition, FootAnalytics shares our commitment to sustainability, making this partnership even more powerful.

Hybo and FootAnalytics: the perfect synergy

FootAnalytics’ iKnos Corporate solution focuses on data collection and analysis to optimise the use of workspaces. With a focus on Wi-Fi technology, FootAnalytics connects to customers’ infrastructure remotely, making the process easy and making it a «Plug&Play» solution. This means that any organisation, regardless of size or complexity, can implement this technology efficiently and seamlessly.


This collaboration is almost a natural synergy between Hybo and FootAnalytics. Both companies share the vision of optimising the use of workspaces, but with complementary approaches. While FootAnalytics focuses on real-time occupancy and presence data collection, Hybo specialises in space management and booking.

How do these combine to the benefit of our customers?

  • Validation of user presence: Hybo, through integration with FootAnalytics, can validate a user’s presence on the premises. This is especially valuable in modern work environments, where employees can move freely. Imagine being able to automatically check in when entering a meeting room or shared workspace, all thanks to FootAnalytics technology.


  • Venue mapping and Wi-Fi data usage: our software, known for its highly customisable and efficient venue management, can leverage FootAnalytics data to create venue usage maps. What does this mean for our customers? It means you can visualise in real time how your facilities are being used and make informed decisions about their management. No more guesswork, just hard data.

Customer benefits:

This partnership between Hybo and FootAnalytics translates into a number of significant benefits for our customers:


  • Efficient space management: thanks to space usage mapping and presence validation, you can optimise the utilisation of your facilities, saving time and resources.



  • Improved employee experience: your employees will enjoy a more efficient and comfortable working environment, with automated check-in functions and simplified reservations.


  • Improved sustainability: by better servicing and managing the occupancy of your spaces, you can contribute to the sustainability of your business and optimise resources.


  • Enhanced communications and security: with real-time data, you can improve communication and security in your facility. This is especially valuable in emergency situations, where the location of people is critical.


  • Increased operational efficiency: the ability to optimise the use of workspaces with real-time data leads to greater operational efficiency overall. Resources are used more effectively, resulting in cost savings.


  • Informed decision making: with concrete data on the use of your facilities, you can make informed, fact-based business decisions.

The future of workspace management

This partnership represents an exciting step towards a more efficient and sustainable future in workspace management. We are committed to innovation, sustainability and efficiency; our collaboration reflects these shared priorities.


At Hybo we believe in the power of collaboration and innovation to transform the way we work. With partners like FootAnalytics, we are on the right path to a brighter and more efficient future in workspace management.

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FootAnalytics i Hybo s'uneixen com a socis
FootAnalytics y Hybo se unen como partners
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