Attach previous documentation

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Attach previous documentation in external visits

How many times have our guests wasted time at our reception filling out forms, privacy policies, etc.? Or how many times have they called us because they don’t know in which space of our company they have to go?

To avoid wasting time, Hybo has integrated the option of attaching documentation in the booking and management of external visits.

With this new solution, when your team makes a meeting request for external personnel with Hybo, their guests will receive all the documentation that the convener wants, such as forms, privacy policies, entry documentation, accesses, identity documents, etc.

The documents can be digitally signed, with the host receiving the completed documents later. In this way, the entry on the day of the call is expedited and your guests will not have to waste time at the reception, since they will already have the documents filled out in your company’s database.

Currently, due to the pandemic, this integration is of great help to inform the protocols and restrictions within each company.

This new integration provides advantages in the management of external visits


Neither you nor your visitors will waste time to carry out the established meeting.


This tool allows you to book meeting rooms and parking spaces for your guests, who will receive all the information by email.

Economic and ecological:

With this integration you will no longer need a logbook or print the documentation prior to the visit.


Receiving notifications of bookings outside the application allows you to have different communication channels for employees and for third parties.


Documentation can also be submitted through portals or clouds of your own organization.

Adjuntar documentació prèvia
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