10 tips to manage your office spaces

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10 consejos para gestionar los espacios de tu oficina-min

10 tips to manage your office spaces

Worktables, meeting rooms, rest areas, parking lots, entrance, and reception areas, are some basic spaces when managing your office. And managing office spaces efficiently is the main objective to achieve a healthy, efficient, favorable, safe, and sustained work environment.

The work environment is very important, because it affects the performance of employees, therefore, your corporate spaces do not have to generate any stress to its members due to lack of adaptability to them.

A well-managed workspace increases the quality of work, favors the work environment, reduces stress, and promotes the well-being of your employees. To achieve this, we want to share with you 10 tips so that you can optimally manage your office space:


Correctly identify your spaces

It is relevant to locate each of the spaces in your office and analyze them. For this it is crucial to analyze the current occupation and the use that is given, as well as define the objective of occupation of this.

Each space must meet the requirements for which it was designed. Meeting rooms, workspaces or common spaces must have the size, furniture, and tools necessary for their proper functioning. Identifying and analyzing each workspace always may lead to modifications and reforms focused on its use.


Create a workplace strategy

Any space has the potential to become a competitive advantage for the business. However, to achieve this, it is essential that the workspace is designed according to the needs of each company.

Therefore, first, you must understand your business, its characteristics, and its strategic objectives. And from here, we design and implement the best Workplace strategy, the one that allows you to optimize your space as much as possible, create the type of spaces you need and, ultimately, improve the productivity of all your professionals.


Mobility of your employees

The pandemic has caused many employees to become nomads, currently the hybrid modality between face-to-face work and teleworking has caused there to be no fixed workspaces.

For this reason, the management of office spaces must adapt to the mobility of your employees, and based on this, establish workstations, meeting rooms and other spaces necessary for day-to-day work in the office adapted to them.


The office must turn around the employee

All spaces, tools and furniture must adapt to the worker and not the other way around. This is important to promote and help the tasks and objectives of the teams that make up the company.

The improvements must be able to be analyzed and, where appropriate, modified if they do not provide a better experience for the worker within their environment. The management of workspaces is to offer each area of the company to the worker, giving and offering all its content for its greater effectiveness.


Use branding

Each company is different, and its business activity, as well as its workspaces, must adapt the necessary conditions for the use of the space to the common objective. Let’s imagine that a company wants to increase communication between teams and departments, in this case, the most ideal thing will be to create more open and shared workspaces.

The workspaces and the environment in them are value creators in the brand of your company and can be a very important argument for the retention and recruitment of talent within your company.


Integrates a single management software

At this point, the best tool to implement optimal management of company spaces is the integration of space booking software. Providing employees with the management and administration of the space will make them become an active part of it.

A corporate space management software such as Hybo promotes the administration of space and its efficient use, taking the employee’s experience as a reference.


Up-to-date maintenance

Workspaces must have furniture, tools, and equipment in optimal condition. Any damage to facilities or equipment for employees can lead to loss of time.

For this, it is important that employees are the eyes of the company and that they have a channel to communicate the incidents that they locate in their facilities. Hybo space management software enables employees to report incidents on-site, which are forwarded directly to managers. Through this management tool, the user can always see the status of their incident.

Relaxation areas

There are areas within the office that their job is to promote rest and extra-departmental relationship. The canteen shift and coffee areas are socialization points in which workers create bonds and relationships.

For this, it is important that the areas are well-equipped and that they generate convenience and comfort to the workers. Implementing shift bookings for canteen, helps the employee experience. When booking their stay, the worker will only focus on the objective for which the room was designed: to enjoy food with their colleagues, without having to wait for a free place.


Parking lots

Some mornings, due to traffic, many employees arrive just or late, altering their mood and increasing their anxiety or stress.

For those companies that have car parks in their facilities, it is valuable to help their employees to enter the office as much as possible. Implementing a parking space booking system such as Hybo, allows your employees not to waste time parking, since they will directly park in their previously reserved space, without having to search for it.


Analyse using usage metrics

For any improvement of the space, it is essential to obtain data on use, occupation, and incidents. For this, the Hybo space management software will be your greatest ally, because always you can extract the uses of bookings and incidents in each area.

But remember, the objective of the optimization of the spaces: to meet the needs of the employee. This must be the goal and all improvements have to revolve around the employee’s relationship with the space. Concepts such as self-management and flexibility must lead the improvements and integrations of the application.

10 consells per a gestionar els espais de la teva oficina
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